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Welcome to Star Citizen Unpacked! (FORKED)

This is an unofficial Star Citizen fansite, not affiliated with the Cloud Imperium group of companies. All content on this site not authored by its host or users are property of their respective owners.

See the original repo:


  1. loader - this is a .NET Core application which parses XML data extracted from the Star Citizen game files and produces a set of JSON files.

Extracting data from Star Citizen

Create a folder to store the extracted Star Citizen data:

mkdir c:\scdata\3.7.2

Download and run Peter Dolkens' excellent extraction tools:

cd c:\scdata\3.7.2
unp4k.exe 'C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\LIVE\Data.p4k' *.xml
unp4k.exe 'C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\LIVE\Data.p4k' *.ini
unforge.exe .

Run the loader:

loader.exe --input=c:\scdata\3.7.2 --output=c:\scdata\3.7.2-json

Note: The loader will take a while to run as it now loads virtually every in-game item

You will now have a folder c:\scdata\3.7.2-json which contains:

ammo/              - Folder containing the json for each type of ammunition
items/             - Folder containing the json for each item in Star Citizen, named after the class name (there are a lot)
loadouts/          - Folder containing loadouts for ships and items named after the loadout filename (CIG seem to be moving away from loadout files)
ships/             - Folder containing the json for each ships, named after the class name
ammo.json          - Index of all the ammunition fired by weapons and countermeasures
fps-items.json     - Index of player equipment
items.json         - Index of pretty much all the items in Star Citizen (this is quite large)
labels.json        - English translations of all labels
manufacturers.json - Index of all the manufacturers in the game
ship-items.json    - Index of ship equipment
ships.json         - Index of all the ships
shops.json         - Index of all shops and everything that they sell or buy
starmap.json       - Index of the locations in the star map

v2/items/          - Items in v2 format
v2/ships/          - Ships in v2 format
v2/items.json      - Item index in v2 format
v2/ships.json      - Ship index in v2 format

Entity cache

The first time the loader runs, it creates a cache of all the entities it has discovered. This can make subsequent runs much faster. Once the cache has been built, try using these additional options for quicker extraction. If any of these flags are present on the command line, then the output folder is NOT deleted, allowing for incremental rebuilds.

-noitems    - Don't proccess item data
-noships    - Don't process ship data
-noshops    - Don't process shop data
-nomap      - Don't process the star map

If you want to force the cache to be rebuilt then use -nocache. This shouldn't be necessary unless you are playing with the caching code.

How to use it

It is up to you! But to give you a starting point, the scunpacked website uses ships.json, ship-items.json and fps-items.json to construct menus and lists. Then it loads more detailed information, item-by-item as they needed from items/<itemname>.json.

If you are publishing a derrivative work, don't forget to include the CIG attribution & disclaimer that they require you to use!
