For a custom board with an ESP32-S2, BNO085 IMU, and ISL6292 Li-ion Charger.
You can see the CAD files for the project here.
Pinouts for ChuuniTracker as of PCB revision v1.5.
- IO0 = Boot0 Button
- IO5 = Voltage Divider
- IO6 = Button (Opt)
- IO8 = TCA9548 RST pin
- IO16 = BNO085 Reset (Onboard)
- IO21 = BNO085 Interrupt (Onboard)
- IO33 = SDA_EXT
- IO34 = SCL_EXT
- IO35 = SDA_INT
- IO36 = SCL_INT
- IO37 = VCCIO Enable (Required HIGH for SDA_EXT/SCL_EXT)
- IO38 = 1-bit mem for reset
- IO45 = Status NeoPixel
In heavy development, will update README when more work is done.