RestCountriesApp is an iOS application that retrieves and parses data from This README provides an overview of the features implemented in the app.
RestCountriesApp includes the following key features:
Data Retrieval and Parsing:
- Fetches and parses data from the Rest Countries API.
- Utilizes the obtained data to create a dynamic list of countries.
Country List:
- Creates a table list displaying a list of countries.
- Includes flags and country names for a visually informative representation.
Country Details Screen:
- Implements a transition to a new screen displaying the flag and name of the selected country.
- Enhances user interaction with detailed information about a specific country.
Flag Images in Table List:
- Adds flag images to the table list for a more visually appealing display.
Alert with Additional Information:
- Creates an alert for displaying additional information about a selected country.
ActionSheet for Information Display:
- Implements an action sheet to present detailed information about a country.
App Icon:
- Designs a custom icon for the application.
Launch Screen:
- Includes a launch screen for a visually engaging app startup experience.