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An Easy-to-Use Wrapper Anime Images API with Many Others Features

PyPI - Downloads PyPI


  • Anime GIFs
  • Anime Waifu/Husbando Picture
  • Async Supports
  • Client Supports
  • Maintain Track of Requests
  • OSU API Wrapper
  • Trivia
  • Truth or Dare Challenges
  • User Friendly Code

📦 Installing The Stable Version of Estrapy-API

pip install estrapy-api

🚧 Installing The Latest Version of Estrapy-API

pip install git+

📖 Short Example to use Estrapy-API

import Estrapy
import asyncio

async def function():
    run = await
    hug = await Estrapy.Sfw.hug()

    print(f"A Running GIF: {run.url}")
    print(f"A Hug GIF: {hug.url}")

🔖 Automatically Updating Estrapy-API

This is only optional, the function will be called if version of Estrapy-API is not same with the newewst one.

import Estrapy
from Estrapy import AutoUpdate

Auto = AutoUpdate()
updater = Auto.update() # Automatically update Estrapy to the newewst version
print(Auto.reminder()) # Reminder of the newewst update

print(Estrapy.__version__) # Print current version of Estrapy-API

Help Functions for Estrapy-API

from Estrapy import EstraClient
import asyncio

client = EstraClient()

async def Help():
    print(client.Help.sfw()) # Print all sfw endpoints
    print(client.Help.nsfw()) # Print all nsfw endpoints
    print(client.Help.all()) # Print all sfw, nsfw endpoints in once

🗔 Console Input Examples

1. estrapy --help # Output all available commands
2. estrapy menu # Output information about Estrapy-API
3. estrapy help --category <category> # Output all available endpoints in <category>
4. estrapy save --category <category> --endpoint <endpoint> --total <total> --filename <filename> # Save an Image from EstraAPI (with specific category and endpoint) to your computer
📃 View List Endpoints of Estrapy

Note: Almost every function implemented to Estrapy are returning PropertiesManager. You can see the examples from here:

👌 Sfw Function Endpoints

Available PropertiesManager - url, type

Sfw Function Examples Output
Run Return PropertiesManager
Hug Estrapy.Sfw.hug() Return PropertiesManager
Smile Return PropertiesManager
Neko Estrapy.Sfw.neko() Return PropertiesManager
Poke Estrapy.Sfw.poke() Return PropertiesManager
Bite Estrapy.Sfw.bite() Return PropertiesManager
Slap Estrapy.Sfw.slap() Return PropertiesManager
Highfive Estrapy.Sfw.highfive() Return PropertiesManager
Headpat Estrapy.Sfw.headpat() Return PropertiesManager

⁉️ Nsfw Function Endpoints

Available PropertiesManager - url, type

NSFW Function Examples Output
Kill Estrapy.Nsfw.kill() Return PropertiesManager
Yuri Estrapy.Nsfw.yuri() Return PropertiesManager
Yaoi Estrapy.Nsfw.yaoi() Return PropertiesManager

🎮 AniGames Function Endpoints

Available PropertiesManager - url, character_name, text, type, player, percentage

AniGames Function Examples Output
Truth Estrapy.AniGames.truth() Return PropertiesManager
Dare Estrapy.AniGames.dare() Return PropertiesManager
Waifu Estrapy.AniGames.waifu() Return PropertiesManager
Husbando Estrapy.AniGames.husbando() Return PropertiesManager

🎮 Games Function Endpoints

Available PropertiesManager - text, type

Games Function Examples Output
Truth Estrapy.Games.truth() Return PropertiesManager
Dare Estrapy.Games.dare() Return PropertiesManager
Shipper Estrapy.Games.shipper() Return PropertiesManager

OsuClients Function Endpoints

Available OsuProfileProperties - On Our Github

Available OsuBeatmapProperties - On Our Github

OsuClients Function Examples Description
Profile Estrapy.OsuClients.profile(username="Stawa") Return OsuProfileProperties
Beatmap Estrapy.OsuClients.beatmap(beatmap_id="beatmap_id") Return OsuBeatmapProperties

Trivia Function Endpoints

Trivia Function Examples Description
Add Trivia.add(question="question", answer="answer", options={"option": "option"}) Add Questions Into A JSON File
Remove Trivia.remove(1) Removing Question In Specific Number
Run_Console Trivia.run_console() Run Trivia Through Console
Run Run Trivia With Return Statement
Answer Trivia.answer(run, guess="answer") Answer Trivia From Run Function
More Examples In Our Github! More examples I guess?

🔗 Links