universal-macchanger tool allows you to change the MAC address of a network interface on GNU/Linux, macOS and Windows systems.
Changing the MAC address can be useful in various situations, such as hiding your device's identity on a network, or bypassing MAC address filters.
- Supported OS
- Prerequisites
- Installation
- Available options
- Check interfaces & current MAC
- Usage
- Contributing
- GNU/Linux
- Windows
- macOS
1. Clone this repo:
git clone https://github.com/the-weird-aquarian/universal-macchanger.git
2. Move into the project directory:
cd universal-macchanger
3. Give executable permissions to the script (Not required for Windows):
chmod +x macchanger
-h, --help Show this help message and exit
-i, --interface Interface name
-m, --mac Set a MAC address manually
-r, --random Set a random MAC address
You can check all the interfaces & their current MAC addresses using terminal/cmd:
- GNU/Linux:
ip a
- Windows:
ipconfig \all
- macOS:
networksetup -listallhardwareports
python3 macchanger -i <interface> -m <MAC>
Random MAC address can be set using:
python3 macchanger -i <interface> -r
python3 macchanger -i wlan0 -m 00:11:22:33:44:55
python3 macchanger -i "Wireless Network Adapter" -r
Pull requests can be submitted here. Any contribution to the project will be highly appreciated.