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Combinative Class

combinative is a header-only library that provides an improved Curiously Recurring Template Pattern (CRTP) for C++23.

This utility enables the combination of data and the implementation of methods based on these combinations, offering a clean and powerful approach to multiple inheritance without relying on virtual bases.

Quick Sample

#include "combinative.h"

using namespace combinative;

struct A{ int a{}; };
struct B{ int b{}; };
struct C{ int c{}; };

struct MethodA : impl_for<A>
    int FuncA(this auto&& self,...)
        return self.a;

struct MethodC : impl_for<C>
    int FuncC(this access_list self,...)
        return self.cref().c;//tip friendly

struct MethodAB : impl_for<A,B>
    int FuncAB(this access_list self,...)
        auto [fa,fb] = self.cref();
        return fa.a + fb.b;

using MyFuncSet = function_set<MethodA, MethodC, MethodAB>;

/*                          */
/*             A            */
/*            / \           */
/*           /   \          */
/*          AB   AC         */
/*           \   /          */
/*            \ /           */
/*            ABC           */
/*                          */
struct ObjectA : combine<MyFuncSet, A>
    ObjectA(int a_) { a = a_; }
struct ObjectAB : combine<ObjectA, B>
    ObjectAB(int a_,int b_) { a = a_; b= b_;}
struct ObjectAC : combine<ObjectA, C>
    ObjectAC(int a_,int c_) { a = a_; c= c_;}
struct ObjectABC : combine<ObjectAB, ObjectAC>
    ObjectABC(int a_,int b_,int c_) { a = a_; b= b_; c= c_; }

void quick_sample()
    ObjectA o1(1);
    ObjectAB o2(1,2);
    ObjectAC o3(1,3);
    ObjectABC o4(1,2,3);


As the name suggest, it's for combining data and method to form different classes.

in the type_info sample , there is a type_info struct which contains the following fields

struct type_info
	size_t size;
	copy_constructor_ptr_t copy_constructor;
	move_constructor_ptr_t move_constructor;
	destructor_ptr_t destructor;
	uint64_t hash;
	const char* name;

but the type_info is not allow to move and copy.

thus a type_index is act as a warpper of type_info to referencing the type_info and provide some info access methods

class type_index
	const type_info* m_info;
	type_index(const type_info& info) : m_info(&info) {}
	/* other methods to access info*/

this casue a problem that if one want to access any info of a type, the access action requires an indirection

you may wish that the hot properties can be inlinely cache in the type_index, in some cases which partial of a type's info is frequently visited,

class type_index_cache_hash
	const type_info* m_info;
	size_t m_hash;

class type_index_cache_destructor
	const type_info* m_info;
	size_t m_size;
	destructor_ptr_t m_destructor;
//...and more

or it may only need to store one or two properties of the type

class type_size_hash
	size_t m_size;
	size_t m_hash;
//...and more

for each version adding to the project

  • all method related to the changing properties need to be rewrite
  • convertion between each version need to be add
  • binary operator between each version need to be add

those issues are making it hard to maintain

the solution see sample_type_info.h. both CRTP implementation and Combinative Class implementation are provided


The Combinative Class basically an extension of CRTP with following feature

  • combination :
    • properties are divided into fragments
    • combinative class is a combination of fragments and it's matched method
    • combinative class can be the combination of combinative classes
  • access control :
    • fragment visibility defualt to be protected
    • combinative classes combination is default to be protected
    • method struct inheritance is public(may support function set access control in the future)
    • visibility can be explicitly control by warpping type in template pub prot and priv
    • friend declaration for CRTP parent is implied
  • method visibility friendly :
    • methods that don't match it's requirement won't appear in the final class
  • macro free :
    • zero exposed macro
  • intellisense friendly :
    • VS intellisense and clangd can infer the member and method of the combinative class

Feature Sample

#include "sample_type_info.h"
namespace quick_sample
#include "quick_sample.h"
#include "../src/combinative.h"
#include <iostream>

namespace sample

	using namespace combinative;

	struct FragmentA
		int32_t a{};
	struct FragmentB
		int32_t b{};
	struct FragmentC
		int32_t c{};
	struct FragmentD
		int32_t c{};

	struct Methods1 : impl_for<FragmentA, FragmentB>::exclude<FragmentC>
		auto Auto_AB_noC(this auto&& self) { return self.a + self.b; }

	struct Methods2 : impl_for<FragmentA, FragmentC>
		auto Auto_AC(this auto&& self) { return self.a + self.c; }

	struct Methods3 : impl_for<FragmentB, FragmentC>
		auto Auto_BC(this auto&& self) { return self.b + self.c; }

	struct SingleFragmentAccess : impl_for<FragmentC>::exclude<FragmentA, FragmentB>
		//access_list is adviced: refactoring friendly
		auto EmbeddedCaster_C_noAB(this access_list self) { return self.cref().c; }
		auto TemplateCast_C_noAB(this auto&& self) { return self.template as<FragmentC>().c; }

	struct MultiFragmentAccess : impl_for<FragmentA, FragmentB, FragmentC>
		//access_list is adviced: refactoring friendly
		auto Setter_ABC(this access_list self, int32_t a, int32_t b, int32_t c)
			auto [fa, fb, fc] = self.ref();
			fa.a = a;
			fb.b = b;
			fc.c = c;

		auto Auto_ABC(this auto&& self)
			return self.a + self.b + self.c;

		auto EmbeddedTupleCaster_ABC(this access_list self)
			auto [fa, fb, fc] = self.cref();
			return fa.a + fb.b + fc.c;

		auto FragmentCopy_ABC(this access_list self)
			auto [fa, fb, fc] = self.val();
			return std::make_tuple(fa.a, fb.b, fc.c);

        auto EmbeddedTupleCasterCustomAccess_ABC(this access_list self)
            auto [fc, fa, fb] = self.get<FragmentC, FragmentA&, const FragmentB&>();
            return fa.a + fb.b + fc.c;

	struct NamingConflict : impl_for<FragmentC, FragmentD>
        // this is the advised way for access data from multiple fragments
		auto EmbeddedTupleCaster_CD(this access_list self)
			auto [fc, fd] = self.cref();
			return fc.c + fd.c;
		auto StaticCast_CD(this auto&& self)
			auto& x = static_cast<FragmentC&>(self).c; // you may define a marco to simplify this cast
			auto& y = static_cast<FragmentD&>(self).c;
			return x + y;
		auto Caster_CD(this auto&& self)
			auto& x = caster<FragmentC>(self).cref().c;
			auto& y = caster<FragmentD>(self).cref().c;
			return x + y;
		auto TemplateCast_CD(this auto&& self)
			auto& x = self.template as<FragmentC>().c; //note that this is unfriendly to lsp
			auto& y = self.template as<FragmentD>().c;
			return x + y;

#ifndef __INTELLISENSE__ 
	// note that custom_cond can't depend on condition that needs a custom condition to form
    struct CustomCondition : impl_for<>::custom_cond<[](auto t)requires requires{ &decltype(t)::Setter_ABC; }{}>
        auto ABC_SetDefault(this auto&& self) { return self.Setter_ABC(0,0,0); }
	// VS Intellisense has some problem in lambda with concept constraint
	// this is the alternative form for custom condition
	struct CustomCondition : impl_for<>
		template <typename Self>
		using _custom_cond_ = std::bool_constant<requires{ &Self::Setter_ABC; }>;
		auto ABC_SetDefault(this auto&& self) { return self.Setter_ABC(0, 0, 0); }

	using FuncSet1 = function_set<Methods1, Methods2, Methods3,

	struct CompareTag {};

	struct MethodsComp1 : impl_for<FragmentA>::exclude<FragmentB>::tag<CompareTag>
		auto Comparable(this auto&& self) { return self.a; }

	struct MethodsComp2 : impl_for<FragmentB>::exclude<FragmentA>::tag<CompareTag>
		auto Comparable(this auto&& self) { return self.b; }

	struct MethodsComp3 : impl_for<FragmentA, FragmentB>::tag<CompareTag>
		auto Comparable(this auto&& self) { return self.a * self.b; }

	using FuncSet2 = function_set<MethodsComp1, MethodsComp2, MethodsComp3>;

    template<typename T1, typename T2>
    requires std::derived_from<std::decay_t<T1>, CompareTag> &&
             std::derived_from<std::decay_t<T2>, CompareTag>
	auto operator<=>(T1&& a, T2&& b)
		return a.Comparable() <=> b.Comparable();

	using FuncSetFinal = function_set<FuncSet1, FuncSet2>;

	struct ObjectAB : combine<FuncSetFinal, pub<FragmentA>, FragmentB>
	static_assert(sizeof(ObjectAB) == 2 * sizeof(int32_t));

	struct ObjectAC : combine<FuncSetFinal, FragmentA, FragmentC>
	static_assert(sizeof(ObjectAC) == 2 * sizeof(int32_t));

	struct ObjectABC : combine<pub<ObjectAB>, ObjectAC>
	static_assert(sizeof(ObjectABC) == 3 * sizeof(int32_t));

	struct ObjectABC_ : combine<ObjectABC>::visibility_override<priv<FragmentA>>
	static_assert(sizeof(ObjectABC_) == sizeof(ObjectABC));

	struct ObjectCD : combine<ObjectABC, FragmentD>::remove<FragmentA, FragmentB>
	static_assert(sizeof(ObjectCD) == 2 * sizeof(int32_t));

	using is_a_accessible = decltype([](auto t) requires requires { t.a; } {});
	static_assert(std::invocable<is_a_accessible, ObjectABC>);
	static_assert(!std::invocable<is_a_accessible, ObjectABC_>);

using namespace sample;

int main()

	ObjectAB o1;
	o1.a = 1;

	ObjectAC o2;

	ObjectABC o3;
	o3.Setter_ABC(1, 2, 3);
	o3.EmbeddedTupleCaster_ABC(); // intellisense has some problem in tipping this, ok with clangd

	ObjectCD o4;

	o1 <=> o2;
	o2 <=> o3;
	o1 <=> o3;


a more realistic sample is provide in sample_type_info.h


The parent class and subclass of the Combinative Class do not have any inheritance relationship, which means they cannot be converted to each other. eg. ObjectABC is not convertable to ObjectAC.

The polymorphism of Combinative Class is obtained via Duck Typing.

For compile-time polymorphism. Passing Combinative Class as a templated argument.

auto operator<=>(
	std::derived_from<CompareTag> auto& a,
	std::derived_from<CompareTag> auto& b)
	return a.Comparable() <=> b.Comparable();

For runtime polymorphism. Type-erasure is required.

following lib can be used to implement the runtime type-erasure.

Compiler Compatibility

Combinative Class is required to be supported by C++23 compiler.

  • MSVC: 19.4 and later
  • Clang: clang-18 and later
  • GCC: current not supported. need a workaround with the 'type_list' utility


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