This is my personal portfolio website, where I showcase the projects I have worked on during my web development journey. The site is built using HTML and CSS.
- HTML5: Structure and content of the web pages.
- CSS3: Styling and layout of the website. **- JavaScript:**Interactive and dyanamic content on the web.
- GitHub Pages: Deployment platform for hosting my portfolio website.
- Git: Version control to track changes and push updates to GitHub.
You can view my live portfolio website here:
Portfolio Live Link
-Pizza Menu: This project is a menu used to order a pizza with a various selection of toppings. It then takes the input information and calculates a price for the order.
-Tic-Tac-Toe Game: The classic game of tic-tac-toe. It randomly rolls dice to select which of the two players goes first and then users are off playing the classic game. Users can decide which token each player wants to use and the winner is celebrated with music and flashing lights.