One of the standout features of CRON2.0 is its seamless integration with the Kafka messaging system for fast and reliable task distribution. This feature enables the application to scale quickly and effortlessly making it a fantastic choice for enterprise environments that require high availability and fault-tolerance.
In addition to its integration with Kafka, CRON2.0 has a robust error notification system that alerts users via email in case of any error during job execution. This feature ensures that users are informed of any errors promptly, enabling them to take the appropriate corrective action quickly.
- Easy setup: With CRON2.0, you no longer have to set up jobs manually, saving you time and reducing the risk of errors.
- Advanced scheduling options: The application allows users to specify the frequency of the job, as well as the specific time and day of the week when the job should run.
- Error notifications: In case of any errors during job execution, CRON2.0 sends email notifications to alert users so they can take appropriate action.
- Authentication system: The application includes an authentication system to ensure that only authorized users can access the scheduler, making it a secure choice for enterprise environments.
CRON2.0 is built using the following technologies:
- Python programming language
- FastAPI web framework
- MongoDB database
- Kafka messaging system
- Docker
POST /v1/jobs
Creates a new job. Requires authentication.
- This schedules a job to be run every Sunday by 9:45 am timezone: US/Eastern
Authorization: Bearer <token>
"url": "", // URL/endpoint to the job you want to be run
"method": "get", // HTTP method of your URL/endpoint
"timezone":"US/Eastern", // Timezone in which you want the job to run
"weekday":"SUN", // Day of the week on which the job should run
"hours":"9", // Hour of the day when the job should run
"minutes":"45", // Minute of the hour when the job should run
"notify_on_error": true // Whether to send error notifications if the job encounters an error
- This schedules a job to be run every day by 12:00 am timezone: Africa/Lagos
Authorization: Bearer <token>
"url": "", // URL/endpoint to the job you want to be run
"method": "get", // HTTP method of your URL/endpoint
"timezone":"Africa/Lagos", // Timezone in which you want the job to run
"days":1, // Number of days when the job should run
"hours":"00", // Hour of the day when the job should run
"minutes":"00", // Minute of the hour when the job should run
"notify_on_error": true // Whether to send error notifications if the job encounters an error
- This schedules a job to be run every 2 hour 30 minutes timezone: Africa/Lagos
Authorization: Bearer <token>
"url": "", // URL/endpoint to the job you want to be run
"method": "get", // HTTP method of your URL/endpoint
"timezone":"Africa/Lagos", // Timezone in which you want the job to run
"hours":"2", // Hour of the day when the job should run
"minutes":"30", // Minute of the hour when the job should run
"notify_on_error": true // Whether to send error notifications if the job encounters an error
GET /v1/jobs
Returns a list of all jobs. Requires authentication.
GET /v1/jobs/{job_id}
Returns a specific job by ID. Requires authentication.
PUT /v1/jobs/{job_id}
Updates an existing job by ID. Requires authentication.
DELETE /v1/jobs/{job_id}
Deletes a specific job by ID. Requires authentication.
GET /v1/response/history/{job_id}
Returns the response history for a specific job. Requires Authentication.
DELETE /v1/response/history/{job_id}
Deletes the response history for a specific job. Requires Authentication.
GET /v1/response/{response_id}
Returns a specific response by ID. Requires Authentication.
DELETE /v1/response/{response_id}
Deletes a specific response by ID. Requires authentication.
GET /v1/user
Returns information about the authenticated user. Requires Authentication.
POST /v1/signup
Creates a new user account
Request Body:
"email": "",
"fullname": "CRON2.0",
"password": "******"
Authenticates a user and generates an access token that can be used to access protected resources.
POST /v1/logout
Invalidates the access token for the current user, logging them out of the system.
To use CRON2.0, follow these steps:
Clone the repository from GitHub
Install Docker and Docker Compose on your machine
Create a .env file in the root directory and populate it with the necessary environment variables. An example of the variables needed is provided in the .env.example file.
Build and start the Docker containers using the following command:
docker compose up
Access the API docs through http://localhost/docs