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Pascal Roobrouck edited this page Jul 25, 2018 · 8 revisions

Openbuilds GRBL PostProcessor


The built-in 'GRBL Generic' post-processor that comes with Autodesk Fusion360 has a number of problems. Looking into the code (these post-processors are written in JavaScript) I realised it was more a quick & dirty hack.. After finding a nice Class Reference I decided to give it a try and write a better GRBL Post Processor

Assumptions :

  1. Functional restrictions of GRBL - currently version V0.9j
  1. Based upon making things simpler and thus more solid
  • 2.1 don't try to save a few characters on blocks that only appear once per section - do a proper initialisation at each section start
  • 2.2 always send comments. They will be ignored by GRBL, only appear at file/section begin and make the GCODE more readible
  • 2.3 don't use linenumbers : GRBL doesn't use them, and when editing each editor has them anyway, so why have them in the GCODE...
  • 2.4 don't remove spaces... UGCS can do this for you before sending it to GRBL
  • 2.5 don't use G28 to return to home. Use G53
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