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Security: StulE-ru/ModernPDO



Security Policy

Supported Versions

We support fixing security issues on the following releases:

Version Supported Security fixes until
3.x.x 3 Months after the release of 4.0.0
2.x.x No longer supported
1.x.x No longer supported

Reporting a Vulnerability

If you’ve found a security issue in ModernPDO, please use the following procedure instead of the normal bug reporting system. Send a message to the owner in telegram.

For each report, we try to first confirm the vulnerability. Once confirmed, the ModernPDO team will take the following actions:

  • Acknowledge to the reporter that we’ve received the issue, and are working on a fix. We ask that the reporter keep the issue confidential until we announce it.
  • Get a fix/patch prepared.
  • Prepare a post describing the vulnerability, and the possible exploits.
  • Release new versions of all affected versions.
  • Prominently feature the problem in the release announcement

There aren’t any published security advisories