A set of WebParts to add OAuth authentication for Suave Web applications. The purpose of OAuth in this library is to allow users of your application to authorize using their google/twitter/github/... accounts.
Currently supports google, facebook and github providers. More providers to go and Twitter is the next one.
The following code assumes you are adding google authorization support.
Run the following command in Package Manager Console:
PM> Install-Package Suave.OAuth
Obtain so called client_id and client_secret keys from all providers you are going to support in your application.
E.g for google head to manage projects page, create a new project, navigate
to Credentials
page, click Add credentials
and choose OAuth 2.0 client ID
. Choose other
and you can skip
specifying redundant info.
Now copy both client id
and client secret
to the code below.
open Suave.OAuth
let oauthConfigs =
defineProviderConfigs (function
| "google" -> fun c ->
{c with
client_id = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.apps.googleusercontent.com"
client_secret = "yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"}
| "facebook" -> fun c ->
{c with
client_id = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.apps.googleusercontent.com"
client_secret = "yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"}
| _ -> id // we do not provide secret keys for other oauth providers
Finally add authorization handle to your application:
OAuth.authorize authRedirectUri oauthConfigs
(fun loginData ->
model.logged_in <- true
model.logged_id <- sprintf "%s (name: %s)" loginData.Id loginData.Name
Redirection.FOUND "/"
(fun () ->
model.logged_id <- ""
model.logged_in <- false
Redirection.FOUND "/"
(fun error -> OK <| sprintf "Authorization failed because of `%s`" error.Message)
(choose [
path "/protected" >=> GET >=> OK "You've accessed protected part!"
(RequestErrors.FORBIDDEN "You do not have access to that application part (/protected)")
The authorize
WebPart handles three queries:
- /oaquery - redirects to oauth provider page
- /oalogin - processes authorization reply from provider, stores authorization token in session cookie
- /logout - clears the cookie that keeps stored authorization token
The authorize
WebPart and protectedPart
counterpart store/read the authorization token in session cookie. Use low-level OAuth.redirectAuthQuery
and OAuth.processLogin
methods to override described behavior.
Note: you have to provide
which for example application will point to http://localhost:8083/oalogin.
Just add one or more button such as "Login via Google" link pointing to "/oalogin?provider=google" endpoint defined above. Providers supported so far are: 'google', 'github', 'facebook'.
You should bind your application session to user id (passed in loginData parameter or login handler), which is stable identifier unlike name, marital status or email.
loginData contains access_token generated for your oauth provider session. However library does not support this key renewal (e.g. Google's one expires in one hour). Anyway whenever you want to extract more data from provider you should do it right after login.
The signature of authorize function was changed in 0.7.x, now it expects you will provide authorization redirect url. In prior version the attempt to build it authomatically was made which is however impossible in general case such as using server proxy or docker.
While defining configs you could define:
- provider specific 'scopes' so that you can request more specific info from provider
- customize_req: allows to define specific headers or proxy settings for http webrequest instance
You could also define oauth2 provider not in list:
let oauthConfigs =
defineProviderConfigs (
// the following code adds "yandex" provider (for demo purposes)
|> Map.add "yandex"
{OAuth.EmptyConfig with
authorize_uri = "https://oauth.yandex.ru/authorize"
exchange_token_uri = "https://oauth.yandex.ru/token"
request_info_uri = "https://login.yandex.ru/info"
scopes = ""
client_id = "xxxxxxxx"; client_secret = "dddddddd"}