This repo contains lectures & programming assignments and contents of Numerical Methods Sessional course in Level-2, Term-1 of January-2017 session of CSE, BUET.
All programming assignments were submitted in MATLAB. Assignments are in respective week wise folders. Assignments were submitted on every 2 weeks.
folder contains the lecture slides for assignment topics.
Topics of Course Assignments:
- Function Approximation
- Taylor Series
- Roots of Equations:
- Bracketing Methods:
- False position Method
- Open Methods:
- Secant Method
- Newton Raphson Method
- Bracketing Methods:
- Systems of Linear Equations:
- Gauss Seidel Method
- LU Decomposition
- Linear Programming
- Simplex Method
- One-Dimensional Unconstrained Optimization
- Newton's Method
- Golden Section Method
- Polynomial Interpolation using:
- Newton’s Divided Difference Algorithm
- Quadratic Spline
- Integration
- Simpson Methods
- Romberg Integration
- Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations:
- Euler’s Method
- Heun Method with a Single Corrector
- The Midpoint Method
- Ralston’s Method