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Sunday - FL

The Webinar explaining the architecture, implementation and execution of the Sunday-FL platform is available on YouTube

Please cite us if you use our platform. The publication can be found here

General overview

Akka enables federated learning here.

Akka projects ==(calls)== > Python scripts.


Kindly install the below dependencies before executing python scripts:-

pip install torch==1.4.0
pip install torchvision==0.5.0
pip install syft==0.2.5



Client = \java-akka-remote-example-master\Client\src\main\java\example\akka\remote\client

Server = \java-akka-remote-example-master\Server\src\main\java\example\akka\remote\server

Kindly ensure JDK, Maven etc are installed before executing the Akka Project:-

mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="example.akka.remote.server.Server"
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="example.akka.remote.client.Client"

Use the below for runing multiple clients:-

e.g.- 2553 - akka port, 6 id of the dataset due to TFF indexing, bob - client id and 8778 python port

mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="example.akka.remote.client.Client" -Dexec.args="2553 6 bob 8778"

Do remember to run mvn clean install to resolve any remaining dependency with akka before running the akka project.

How to create a docker image of the server

  1. Sign in to Docker:
sudo docker login
  1. Enter the akka-server/Server directory and build the image:
sudo docker build -t server .

The process of building the docker image uses a prepared Dockerfile in the directory. The fifth (optional parameter) in the last line (ENTRYPOINT command) serves to enable/disable security modules and is required to be entered as a string containing two numbers (e.g. "1 0.5"). You may omit the parameter if you intend to disable both modules. Otherwise:

  • enter 1 as the first number to enable secure aggregation, 0 to disable;
  • enter the threshold value to be used in the differential privacy module as the second number; exclude the number if you're not setting it.


ENTRYPOINT ["java","-cp","app.jar", "example.akka.remote.server.Server"]
# neither module used
ENTRYPOINT ["java","-cp","app.jar", "example.akka.remote.server.Server", "1"]
# secure aggregation used
ENTRYPOINT ["java","-cp","app.jar", "example.akka.remote.server.Server", "1 0.5"]
# both modules used, differential privacy threshold set to 0.5
  1. To run the server from docker image, enter:
sudo docker run server:latest

How to run FL server remotely using Azure

Create a docker container on Azure

  1. Make a resource group on Azure, e.g. flresources.
  2. Make a container registry on Azure, e.g. flregistry. Make sure its name is unique.
  3. Enter the container registry on Microsoft Azure. Enter Settings/Access keys section and enable admin user. Make sure to save the generated password that appears below.
  4. Run mvn clean install in akka-server directory and its subdirectories Server and Client. Build a docker image in the akka-server/Server directory:
az acr build -t fl/server -r flregistry .

where -r denotes the container registry name. You might be required to enter your Azure credentials. 5. Specify a DNS name to enable connection to the server, e.g. sundayfltest. In the file akka-server/Server/src/main/resources/application.conf, change the parameter hostname in akka --> remote --> netty.tcp field from '' to ''. 6. Create a container instance through terminal:

az container create -n [container instance name] -g [resource group name] --image [container registry name] --ports [list of ports separated by space; 5000 required] --dns-name-label [DNS name] --registry-username [admin user name; default is the same as the container registry name] --registry-password [saved admin password to the registry] --cpu 2 --memory 3

Example with parameters:

az container create -n flcontainer -g flresources --image --ports 80 2552 2553 2554 2555 5000 --dns-name-label sundayfltest --registry-username flregistry --registry-password [saved password] --cpu 2 --memory 3

You can specify different values of the cpu and memory parameters; 2 and 3 are the most recommended once. Remember to list 5000 in ports. 7. Enter the Azure page of the created container instance. In Settings/Containers section, enter the Connect part and connect to the container. Sunday-FL requires Python 3.8 to work, which is not installed in Azure container instances. Enter the following commands to install Python 3.8:

yum install -y gcc openssl-devel bzip2-devel libffi-devel zlib-devel wget make
cd /opt
tar xzf Python-3.8.12.tgz
cd Python-3.8.12
./configure --enable-optimizations
make altinstall
curl -o
pip install torch==1.4.0 --no-cache-dir
pip install torchvision==0.5.0 syft==0.2.5 argparse pathlib asyncio
pip install logging

Installation regularly takes from 5 to 10 minutes. This step is required every time the container instance is started; putting the commands in Dockerfile with RUN might not work.

Connecting clients to remote server

  1. In the file akka-server/Client/src/main/resources/appConfig.json, change the address parameter from '' to '', which consists of the DNS address and a port.
  2. Enter the command in the akka-server/Client directory (having run mvn clean install!):
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="example.akka.remote.client.Client" -Dexec.args="2552 0 alice 8778 0.5"

The -Dexec.args parameters are:

  • AKKA port (make sure it is not in use yet);
  • the dataset partition index;
  • your client id;
  • Websocket port (make sure it is not in use yet);
  • variance to be used when enabling the differential privacy module; enter 0 to disable the module.
  1. To exit the client, press Ctrl-C (preferably after the learning round ends).


In order to run FL locally, change the mentioned configuration parameters back to and run mvn clean install.

Project status

The project is working flawlessly in Linux and Windows. The Verificator module is currently under development.




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