note: lastest update is in topology
branch -> goto
Text-Finer works to transform plain text to structural text (in JSON format) according to a dynamic grammar template.
currently BNF grammar not supported, and name within itself or circular reference not supported, let alone left recursion detection
only a top-down structure is allowed
regular expression, kleen closure operation is supported
input two files: <filename>
.syntax, <filename>
where the .syntax file contains the user-defined BNF grammar (or pre-defined ones), and the .txt file contains the plain text.
and output one file (default at project root dir): <filename>
python *filename*.syntax *filename*.txt --interpret
Currently, the interpreter version (in Python) is available; the compile version (in Go, or Cangjie in the future) is still under development
- Regex support
(available in interpreter version)
- Allow import BNF definitions from other .syntax file
(available in interpreter version)
- Transform Regex to DFA
(under development)
input file: base.syntax
LINE ::= /\S.*/
WORD ::= /\w+/
NL ::= '\n' | '\r\n'
LineBlank ::= /\s*/
LineSpace ::= LineBlank LINE
LineFull ::= LineSpace NL
File[file] ::= LineFull* LineBlank
python demo/base.syntax demo/base.syntax --interpret
output file: base.tree.json
"File": {
"LineFull": [
"LineSpace": {
"LineBlank": "\n",
"LINE": "LINE ::= /\\S.*/"
"NL": "\n"
"LineSpace": {
"LineBlank": "\n",
"LINE": "WORD ::= /\\w+/"
"NL": "\n"
"LineSpace": {
"LineBlank": "\n",
"LINE": "NL ::= '\\n' | '\\r\\n'"
"NL": "\n"
"LineSpace": {
"LineBlank": "\n",
"LINE": "LineBlank ::= /\\s*/"
"NL": "\n"
"LineSpace": {
"LineBlank": "\n",
"LINE": "LineSpace ::= LineBlank LINE"
"NL": "\n"
"LineSpace": {
"LineBlank": "\n",
"LINE": "LineFull ::= LineSpace NL"
"NL": "\n"
"LineSpace": {
"LineBlank": "\n",
"LINE": "File[file] ::= LineFull* LineBlank"
"NL": "\n"
"LineBlank": ""