simple and basic midifile writer for writing midi messages (type-0) in Lua without external libraries
Because of the limitations of its functionality (no chords or rests), this code is intended to provide a basic example to understand the structure of midi messages or the basic way to write a midi file from scratch.
after installing Lua (ie via homebrew: brew install lua)
enter in terminal:
lua midifile-writer.lua
with given data (all lists have to have the same length!) inside the file:
local durList = {500,1500,2000} --milliseconds
local midiList = {60,62,64}
local chanList = {1,1,1}
local velList = {40,40,40}
local filename = "test.mid"
This program is free software. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.