I am an final year researcher (pursuing PhD) deeply devoted and highly passionate about science. I strive for excellence and contribution to knowledge. I am a curious person, hungry for knowledge, as my never-ending education demonstrates. Since I started my undergraduate studies, my interests have always turned around Artificial Intelligence and innovative applications especially applied to formal reasoning and the World Wide Web. I am a part-time lecturer and demonstrator, covering both bachelors and masters courses in Computer Science and I am an active member of a team of post-graduated talented individuals working in Music Tech with Artificial Intelligence.
I have several peer-reviewed publications including a journal in Nature. I had been working with signal processing, machine and deep learning techniques, especially with time-series data. Experienced working with hardware and sensors with Arduino and Raspberry Pi. I had been working on pose estimation and finding rhythm from video data. I have created several interfaces for creative music-making.
- If you want to see my portfolio: https://sutirthachakraborty.github.io/Official/