Interactive and persistent Discord Bot Game with PvP features
C#, .NET Core 3.1, Entity Framework Core, MySql (Current implementation, could use any EFCore supported SQL provider), DSharpPlus
Terra Spiel is currently setup to work with MySql, but can easly change SQL provider, refer to the implementation on Startup.cs
For the following EFCore commands, locate yourself on
- Database creation:
dotnet-ef migrations add InitialCreate -p ../TerraSpiel.DAL.Migrations/TerraSpiel.DAL.Migrations.csproj --context TerraSpiel.DAL.GameContext
- Database update/migrations:
dotnet-ef database update -p ../TerraSpiel.DAL.Migrations/TerraSpiel.DAL.Migrations.csproj --context TerraSpiel.DAL.GameContext
- Build TerraSpiel.Bot project
- config.json parameters: (located on build folder:
Discord bot token, you must create your own on the Discord Developers site.prefix:
Bot commands prefix to listen toconnstring:
Database connection stringenviroment:
No use for now, leave on Debug- The rest of the fields are useful parameters to change gameplay settings.
Finally, run TerraSpiel.Bot.exe