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Releases: SvenTiigi/FlyoverKit

Version 1.3.1

22 Sep 09:11
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Xode 11 and iOS 13 support

This version adds support for Xcode 11 in especially for the Swift Package Manager and iOS 13.

Version 1.3.0

02 Apr 17:13
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Swift 5 support

This release adds Swift 5 and Xcode 10.2 support

Version 1.2.2

29 Sep 07:41
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Added CaseIterable to FlyoverAwesomePlace

for place in FlyoverAwesomePlace.allCases {

for place in FlyoverAwesomePlace.iterate() {

Version 1.2.1

18 Sep 08:41
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Swift 4.2 compatibility

Added Xcode 10 and Swift 4.2 compatibility

Version 1.2.0

22 Apr 10:30
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This release adds tvOS πŸ“Ί support to FlyoverKit πŸ™Œ


This release removed the ConfigurationTheme and the specific initializer. The ConfigurationThemes are now available as static property on FlyoverCamera.Configuration.

/// No longer available
let camera = FlyoverCamera(
    mapView: mapView,
    configurationTheme: .lowFlying

/// Use the configuration initializer and set static property (e.g. .lowFlying)
let camera = FlyoverCamera(
    mapView: mapView,
    configuration: .lowFlying

Version 1.1.2

29 Mar 19:25
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Small Swift 4.1 updates πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»

Version 1.1.1

28 Feb 16:06
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Small code improvements and bug fixes πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»

Version 1.1.0

28 Feb 13:26
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FlyoverCamera State

In this release the property isStarted is completely removed and replaced with the state enum property. In order to check if the FlyoverCamera is started you can check

// Is FlyoverCamera started?
self.flyoverCamera.state == .started

// Is FlyoverCamera stopped?
self.flyoverCamera.state == .stopped

Flyover Operators

In order to compare two Flyover types you can use the following two operators.

// Equatable operator (==)
self.flyover1 == self.flyover2

This checks if the two given Flyover types are exactly the same via comparison of latitude and longitude.

// Rounded Equatable operator (~~)
self.flyover1 ~~ self.flyover2

This checks if the two given Flyover types are nearly the same via comparison of rounded latitude and longitude.


Version 1.1.0 introduces a new FlyoverCamera.Configuration.Theme named astronautView. The theme configures the FlyoverCamera to give you a view like an astronaut 🌎

Foreground/Background behavior

In this release we fixed an issue with foreground and background behavior of an Application running a FlyoverCamera or FlyoverMapView. The FlyoverCamera will stop as soon the Application is going into the background mode and will automatically start the flyover when the Application is in foreground

Initial Release πŸ™Œ

22 Feb 13:46
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This is the initial release of the FlyoverKit