The Book of Swarm 中文翻译项目,中文名《Swarm之书》。
- 1.1-历史进程 historical context
- 1.1.1-Web1.0
- 1.1.2-Web2.0
- 1.1.3-点对点网络 Peer-to-peer networks
- 1.1.4-BitTorrent经济以及它的局限 The economics of BitTorrent and its limits
- 1.1.5-奔赴Web 3.0 Towards Web 3.0
- 1.2-公平数据经济 fair data economy
- 1.2.1-当下的数据经济 The current state of the data economy
- 1.2.2-当前的状况和数据主权问题 The current state and issues of data sovereignty
- 1.2.3-奔赴主权数据 Towards self-sovereign data
- 1.2.4-人工智能于主权数据Artificial intelligence and self-sovereign data
- 1.2.5-集体信息 Collective information
- 1.3-视角 the vision
- 1.3.1-价值 Values
- 1.3.2-设计原则 Design principles
- 1.3.3-目标 Objectives
- 1.3.4-影响区域 Impact areas
- 1.3.5-未来 The future
- 1.1-历史进程 historical context
- 2-网络 NETWORK
- 2.1-拓扑与路由 topology and routing
- 2.1.1-underlay网络的依赖 Requirements for underlay network
- 2.1.2-Overlay地址 Overlay addressing
- 2.1.3-Kademlia路由 Kademlia routing
- 2.1.4-启动和维护Kademlia拓扑 Bootstrapping and maintaining Kademlia topology
- 2.2-swarm存储 swarm storage
- 2.2.1-分布式不可重入的块存储 Distributed immutable store for chunks
- 2.2.2-内容寻址块 Content addressed chunks
- 2.2.3-单拥有者块 Single-owner chunks
- 2.2.4-块加密Chunk encryption
- 2.2.5-副本冗余 Redundancy by replication
- 2.3-推与拉:块检索和同步 push and pull: chunk retrieval and syncing
- 2.3.1-检索 Retrieval
- 2.3.2-推同步 Push syncing
- 2.3.3-拉同步 Pull syncing
- 2.3.4-轻量节点 Light nodes
- 2.1-拓扑与路由 topology and routing
- 3.1-共享带宽 sharing bandwidth
- 3.1.1-供应雨中继的激励 Incentives for serving and relaying
- 3.1.2-数据块检索的价格协议 Pricing protocol for chunk retrieval
- 3.1.3-激励推同步 Incentivising push-syncing
- 3.2-交换:账单与支付 swap: accounting and settlement
- 3.2.1-点对点账单 Peer to peer accounting
- 3.2.2-链下用于承诺支付的支票 Cheques as off-chain commitments to pay
- 3.2.3-豁免 Waivers
- 3.2.4-结算的尽全力策略 Best effort settlement strategy
- 3.2.5-Zero cash entry
- 3.2.6-Cashing out and risk of insolvency
- 3.2.7-Sanctions and blacklisting
- 3.3-存储激励 storage incentives
- 3.3.1-用邮票做防作假保护Spam protection with postage stamps
- 3.3.2-邮票彩票:对存储的正面激励 Postage lottery: positive incentives for storage
- 3.3.3-Price signalling capacity pressure
- 3.3.4-保险:反面激励 Insurance: negative incentives
- 3.4-总结summary
- 3.1-共享带宽 sharing bandwidth
- 4.1-数据结构 data structures
- 4.1.1-文件与swarm哈希 Files and the Swarm hash
- 4.1.2-采集与清单 Collections and manifests
- 4.1.3-基于URL的寻址和名字决议 URL-based addressing and name resolution
- 4.1.4-maps和健值存储 Maps and key–value stores
- 4.2-访问控制 access control
- 4.2.1-加密 Encryption
- 4.2.2-访问管理 Managing access
- 4.2.3-多路径直达内容 Selective access to multiple parties
- 4.2.4-访问等级制 Access hierarchy
- 4.3-Swarm订阅和可重入的资源更新 swarm feeds and mutable resource updates
- 4.3.1-订阅块 Feed chunks
- 4.3.2-检索模式 Indexing schemes
- 4.3.3-诚实 Integrity
- 4.3.4-基于阶段的检索 Epoch-based indexing
- 4.3.5-实时数据交换 Real-time data exchange
- 4.4-PSS:用邮件盒子做信息直接推送 pss: direct push messaging with mailboxing
- 4.4.1- 特洛伊块 Trojan chunks
- 4.4.2-key交换的初次联系 Initial contact for key exchange
- 4.4.3-信封殉职 Addressed envelopes
- 4.4.4-请求通知 Notification requests
- 4.1-数据结构 data structures
- 5.1-冗余,延迟,修复 redundancy, latency and repair
- 5.1.1-错误修正码 Error correcting codes
- 5.1.2-通过擦除码实现冗余 Redundancy by erasure codes
- 5.1.3-在swarm块树中各级别的擦除码 Per-level erasure coding in the Swarm chunk tree
- 5.2-固定,重新上传,块丢失通知,pinning, reupload and missing chunk notifications
- 5.2.1-本地固定 Local pinning
- 5.2.2-全局固定 Global pinning
- 5.2.3-恢复 Recovery
- 5.3-保险 insurance
- 5.3.1-保险池 Insurance pool
- 5.3.2-为一个块购买保险 Buying insurance on a chunk
- 5.3.3-用保险上传 Uploading with insurance
- 5.3.4-访问收据 Accessing receipts
- 5.1-冗余,延迟,修复 redundancy, latency and repair
- 6-User experience 用户经验
- 6.1-配置和追踪上传 configuring and tracking uploads
- 6.1.1-上传选项 Upload options
- 6.1.2-上传标签和进度条 Upload tags and progress bar
- 6.1.3-邮票 Postage
- 6.1.4-额外的上传特性 Additional upload features
- 6.2-存储
- 6.2.1-上传文件 Uploading files
- 6.2.2-收集和清单 Collections and manifests
- 6.2.3-访问控制 Access control
- 6.2.4-下载 Download
- 6.3-通信 communication
- 6.3.1-订阅 Feeds
- 6.3.2-PSS
- 6.4-Swarm用作web3的后端
- 6.4.1-Primitives
- 6.4.2-Scripting
- 6.4.3-Built-in composite APIs
- 6.4.4-Standard library
- 6.1-配置和追踪上传 configuring and tracking uploads