Welcome to Go Fit, the ultimate sports and wellness app designed to help users and certified fitness trainers to get together and work on the fitness goal on one platform.
Our system provides a user-friendly platform that enables users to browse, book, and cancel fitness classes with ease. Our platform empowers trainers to create classes with comprehensive information such as class time, venue, date, and more. Additionally, all-encompassing administrative interface that enables authorized personnel to perform a wide range of operations, including Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) functions.
- Authentication
- API Validation
- Responsive
- Cross Platform
- Different Interface for both Users and Trainers
- Registeration/Signin/Logout
- Class Creation
- Class Booking
- Admin can perform all CRUD operations
npm i --global
cd Backend
npx nodemon index.js
secretKey + refreshSecretKey + salt
Redis Cloud: Password + Host + Port
Nodemailer: Email + Password
POST /user/register
POST /user/logout
POST /auth/google
GET /user/
GET /user/all
GET /user/:id
POST /user/register
PATCH /user/update/:id
DELETE /user/delete/:id
GET /alltrainer
GET /user/singletrainer/:id
POST /user/login
GET /admin/
GET /admin/all