The main additional feature compare to the ::taskExec() is that this tasks parse
the stdOutput/stdError and make the result available for the next tasks by
putting it into the \Robo\State\Data
instance which belongs to the pipeline.
Run composer require --dev sweetchuck/robo-git
declare(strict_types = 1);
class RoboFileExample extends \Robo\Tasks
use \Sweetchuck\Robo\Git\GitTaskLoader;
public function gitBranches(string $dir = '.')
return $this
// Available options:
// --all
// --color
// --contains
// --format
// --list
// --merged
// --points-at
// --sort
->addCode(function (\Robo\State\Data $data): int {
// Here you can do whatever you want with the branches.
$output = $this->output();
foreach ($data['gitBranches'] as $longName => $branch) {
foreach ($branch as $key => $value) {
$output->writeln(" $key = " . var_export($value, true));
return 0;
Run: $ vendor/bin/robo git:branches
Example output:
refs/heads/1.x isCurrentBranch = true push = 'refs/remotes/upstream/1.x' push.short = 'upstream/1.x' refName = 'refs/heads/1.x' refName.short = '1.x' track = '' track.ahead = NULL track.behind = NULL track.gone = false upstream = 'refs/remotes/upstream/1.x' upstream.short = 'upstream/1.x'
declare(strict_types = 1);
class RoboFileExample extends \Robo\Tasks
use \Sweetchuck\Robo\Git\GitTaskLoader;
* @command git:config:get
public function gitConfigGet(string $name)
return $this
->addCode(function (\Robo\State\Data $data) use ($name): int {
$key = "git.config.$name";
$this->output()->writeln("$key = {$data[$key]}");
return 0;
Run: $ vendor/bin/robo git:config:get
Example output: = Andor
declare(strict_types = 1);
class RoboFileExample extends \Robo\Tasks
use \Sweetchuck\Robo\Git\GitTaskLoader;
* @command git:current-branch
public function gitCurrentBranch()
return $this
->addCode(function (\Robo\State\Data $data): int {
$this->output()->writeln("long = {$data['gitCurrentBranch.long']}");
$this->output()->writeln("short = {$data['gitCurrentBranch.short']}");
return 0;
Run: $ vendor/bin/robo git:current-branch
Example output:
long = refs/heads/1.x
short = 1.x
declare(strict_types = 1);
class RoboFileExample extends \Robo\Tasks
use \Sweetchuck\Robo\Git\GitTaskLoader;
* @command git:list-files
public function gitListFiles()
return $this
// Available options:
// -t
// -v
// -z
// --cached
// --deleted
// --directory
// --empty-directory
// --eol
// --exclude
// --exclude-file
// --full-name
// --killed
// --ignored
// --modified
// --others
// --stage
// --resolve-undo
// --unmerged
->addCode(function (\Robo\State\Data $data): int {
$output = $this->output();
/** * @var \Sweetchuck\Robo\Git\ListFilesItem $file */
foreach ($data['files'] as $filePath => $file) {
$output->writeln(' status = ' . var_export($file->status, true));
$output->writeln(' objectName = ' . var_export($file->objectName, true));
$output->writeln(' eolInfoI = ' . var_export($file->eolInfoI, true));
$output->writeln(' eolInfoW = ' . var_export($file->eolInfoW, true));
$output->writeln(' eolAttr = ' . var_export($file->eolAttr, true));
$output->writeln(' fileName = ' . var_export($file->fileName, true));
return 0;
Run: $ vendor/bin/robo git:list-files
Example output: status = NULL objectName = NULL eolInfoI = NULL eolInfoW = NULL eolAttr = NULL fileName = ''