This is a super simple interface for interacting with Govee smart lights via Python.
pip install govee-py2
There are three primary functions to control the lights:
- Toggle power
- Set brightness
- Set color
To interact with Govee devices on your network, you'll need a Govee API key. You can request one from in-app or browser on the Govee platform.
from govee import GoveeClient
client = GoveeClient("API KEY")
A client is initialized with 3 key values:
from govee import GoveeClient
client = GoveeClient("API KEY")
# Access the client device list:
# Access the client network SSID
# Access the client API key
All device interaction revolves around actual device objects. All available devices at the time of client initialization are stored in GoveeClient.devices
@param mode = "on", "off", or None
from govee import GoveeClient
client = GoveeClient("API KEY")
# Get the first device object
wall_lights = client.devices[0]
# Toggle Power (if on -> off | if off -> on)
# Turn on
# Turn off
@param int brightness = 0-100
Note that setting the brightness to 0 will power off the device.
from govee import GoveeClient
client = GoveeClient("API KEY")
# Get the first device object
wall_lights = client.devices[0]
# Set the brightness to 50%
@param tuple colors = ((0-255), (0-255), (0-255))
@colors is in the format: (R, G, B)
from govee import GoveeClient
client = GoveeClient("API KEY")
# Get the first device object
wall_lights = client.devices[0]
# Set the lights red
wall_lights.set_color(255, 0, 0)
# Set the lights green
wall_lights.set_color(0, 255, 0)
# Set the lights blue
wall_lights.set_color(0, 0, 255)
This functionality is dependent upon Govee's API which is not my creation. All rights and credit reserved to Govee 2023 ©.