An experimental replacement for the desktop Mauve software. This repo provides tooling to process XMFA+fasta+gff3 datasets into convenient and fast web-based visualizations.
It is currently a work-in-progress, it will not be a feature-for-feature re-implementation of the original Mauve.
- get fasta and gff3 files for each genome
- use rename tool to rename both files with desired display name
- use concatenate tool for fasta files; use concatenate tool for gff3 files
- use remove description tool on concatenated fasta file
- make blast db out of CDSs in fasta file
- run these CDSs against the blast db at desired cutoff
- run blast2pxmfa
- run cluster_lcbs tool
Input for this tool is that xmfa from #8, #4, and concatenated gff3 file
Standard nucleotide level mauve visualization. Click on regions causes re-alignment to that region.
Experimental protein level visualization.