This is the Python Community Edition of Jim Browning' Scammer Bingo
Current build status:
- 16 August 2016.
- The main GUI widget has been finished and callback enhancement has been performed.
- Launcher added (to be removed when installation wizard is created).
- 29 November 2016.
- App icon feature removed in favour of compatibility
SBR-Python is compatible with the following environments:
- Any OS that runs
Python 3.5
Install the following module/s: Pygubu
$ pip install pygubu
Navigate to the cloned/downloaded main directory:
$ cd Scammer-Bingo-Reborn-Python
Run the start bat launcher
$ start.bat
(Windows/DOS based) or$ python
Windows XP/Vista/7/8+/10:- TBD on release v1.0
- GUI styling
- Button editor
- Installation wizard