Version 0.1.1 (Beta)
5e DM Tools - Beta Release (Version 0.1.1)
Linux now supported! Well Debian based ones anyways (eg: Ubuntu)
Added various fixes and the ability to see when a new release is available!
- Added a bunch more creature types (#17)
- Fixed an issue where adding a new damage wouldn't focus the first damage input, therefore being annoying (#17)
- If you have an attack action, the description is no longer required (#16)
- Fixed CR not allowing 1/8, 1/4, & 1/2. Turned it into a dropdown from 0 -> 30 to keep in line with the rest of the 5e world (#14)
- Rearranged "darkvision" input to be first as it is significantly more common
Settings Page
- Version: It now lists your current version and checks if there is a new version, if there is it will notify you.
- Settings Navbar: Added a navbar item to navigate to settings. Will display a badge if you're connected to the internet and there is a new release available