Re-strctured, organised and re-written Matlab package for LNA simulations and Fisher information estimation within mechanistic biochemical models. A package related to methods described in
Komorowski, Michał, et al. "Sensitivity, robustness, and identifiability in stochastic chemical kinetics models." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108.21 (2011): 8645-8650.
Utilised also in
Jetka, Tomasz, et al. "An information-theoretic framework for deciphering pleiotropic and noisy biochemical signaling." Nature communications 9.1 (2018): 1-9.
For assistance, please refer to manual presented in
Komorowski, Michał, Justina Žurauskienė, and Michael PH Stumpf. "StochSens—matlab package for sensitivity analysis of stochastic chemical systems." Bioinformatics 28.5 (2012): 731-733.
or contact t.jetka at
Re-Implemented in 2017. Package is freely available under GNU License.