This repository contains a GitHub Action for detecting changes in an OpenAPI specification or other YAML/JSON specification and sending the differences to a CockroachDB.
Before using the action you should setup a CockroachDB. You can setup a for free serverless Database in a matter of minutes. Then create a table in the following way:
CREATE TABLE specification_changes (
id UUID PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT gen_random_uuid(),
created TIMESTAMP DEFAULT now(),
service_name varchar(100),
commit varchar(255),
differences JSONB
Full example can be found in dbinit.sql
Example usage:
- name: Prepare DB connection
run: echo "$DB_CRT" >> db.crt
shell: bash
DB_CRT : ${{ secrets.DB_CRT }}
- name: Check out head branch
uses: actions/checkout@v2
path: head
- name: Check out main branch
uses: actions/checkout@v2
ref: main
path: base
- name: CI Privacy Alert Test
uses: ./head/
id: ci-privacy-alert
source-specification: base/examples/specification.yml
changed-specification: head/examples/specification-changed.yml
db-connection: ${{ secrets.DB_CONNECTION_STRING }}
db-name: ${{ secrets.DB_NAME }}
table-name: ${{ secrets.TABLE_NAME }}
service-name: ${{ github.repository }}
commit: ${{ github.sha }}
In order for the GitHub Action to send your specification changes to a CockroachDB you should create the following secrets:
- DB_NAME - the name of the Database
- TABLE_NAME - the name of the table
- DB_CONNECTION_STRING - the connection string used to connect to cockroachdb; with the property
- DB_CRT - the SSL certificate for connecting to the DB. The certificate is copied to a file and stored on the GitHub Workspace before running the action.
Research on libraries for generating the differences between two OpenAPI specifications.
The project contains two OpenAPI 3.0.0 specifications, which have different changes from the first version to the second.
Example usage of the application:
node app.js -s specification.yml -d specification-changed.yml -o output.json -m deep-diff
- "-s" is the path to the original specification
- "-d" is the path to the changed specification
- "-o" is the path for the output file
- "-m" is the mode (the library with which to generate the differences)
Available modes:
- deep-diff
- json-diff
- openapi-diff
Examples folder contains the example outputs of the libraries + the output of the go library dyff