Create google cloud kubernetes cluster with default node pool
Experimental: Create kubernetes deployment and service with kubernetes provider from terraform (disable)
- Follow this GCP terraform tutorial to install terraform
- Follow this Configure gcloud SDK to configure
- Configure gcloud
- Run
terraform init
- Create new workspace
terraform workspace new blue
- Run
terraform apply
and then type "yes"
These steps will be replace by terraform files
- Run
gcloud auth login
to get a token - Run
gcloud container clusters get-credentials --zone us-central1 --project dsp-sock-shop-juan $(terraform workspace show)-gke-sock-shop
to authenticate with your cluster. Replace project and zone according to your setup - Rename cluster with
kubectx gke-$(terraform workspace show)=gke_dsp-sock-shop-juan_us-central1_$(terraform workspace show)-gke-sock-shop
The current terraform script already provide istio into the cluster using helm. However, it is also possible to install istio using istioctl
- Install istioctl using
brew install istioctl
- Apply istio config
istioctl install
- Install istio operators
Note: Kiali requires prometheus to works. Additionally, it looks for jeager and grafana.
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
- (Kiali)[]. istioctl dashboard kiali
- (Prometheus)[]. istioctl dashboard prometheus
- (Grafana)[]. istioctl dashboard grafana
- (Jaeger)[]. istioctl dashboard jaeger
- (Zipkin)[]. istioctl dashboard zipkin