Releases: TUW-VieVS/raPPPid
raPPPid v2.6
raPPPid v2.5
(+) receiver clock break detection
(+) download IGS weekly coordinates
(+) improved handling of CODE ANTEX files
(+) experimental implementation of Decoupled Clock Model
raPPPid v2.4
(+) added BDS frequencies B1AC, B2a, B2ab
(+) improved Android pseudorange and time generation (e.g., rollover, QZSS, BDS B2a)
(+) added Shapiro effect correction
raPPPid v2.3
(+) QZSS processing
(+) polar tides correction
(+) detailed observation weighting options
(+) MP LC plots
raPPPid v2.2
(+) VMF1/3 FC
(+) multi plot: convergence/accuracy
(-) multi plot: position accuracy
better colors for multi plots
improved handling of myAntex.atx
raPPPid v2.1
parameter files updated
major bugs removed (e.g., APC correction PPP-AR)
improvements: LINUX, variable names
(+) permanent height correction solid tides
(+) PPP-AR with CODE rapid products
(+) JGX products
raPPPid v2.0
(+) raw Android sensor data from Google GnssLogger App as observation input file (e.g., pseudorange generation)
(+) VMF1
(+) reference trajectory from GPX
(+) multipath detection (code difference) for all frequencies
(+) frequency dependent SNR threshold
(+) ORBEX attitude interpolation
(+) experimental support of RINEX v4
several bugfixes, updated references
raPPPid v1.6
removing Matlab Toolbox dependencies
changing the default option of batch processing to no parallelization
raPPPid v1.5
reducing toolbox dependencies
raPPPid v1.4
(+) improved smartphone data handling
some bugs removed