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👉 Get Started

1. Setup local engines

  • Node >= v18.15.0
  • NPM >= v9.5.0

Node Version Manager (nvm) is recommended for managing multiple versions of Node, including the latest stable.

nvm install --lts
nvm use --lts

2. Install dependencies

npm install

3. Add environment config

Update your .env file with values for each environment variable. This file should be provided to you securely through Bitwarden.

etc ...

4. Run local development

npm start

When the above command completes you'll be able to view your website at http://localhost:8888

Note: You can run just the front-end with npm run start:react, but npm start also handles running your API endpoints (located in the /api directory).


Tests in this codebase render using React Testing Library on Jest. We're also using axe-core (via jest-axe) for basic accessibility testing.

To start the test suite, run:

npm run test

The suite will automatically run in watch mode.

🥞 Stack

This project uses the following libraries and services:

📚 Guide


This project uses React Router and includes a convenient useRouter hook (located in src/util/router.js) that wraps React Router and gives all the route methods and data you need.

import { Link, useRouter } from './../util/router.js'

function MyComponent() {
  // Get the router object
  const router = useRouter()

  // Get value from query string (?postId=123) or route param (/:postId)

  // Get current pathname

  // Navigate with the <Link> component or with router.push()
  return (
      <Link to="/about">About</Link>
      <button onClick={(e) => router.push('/about')}>About</button>


This project uses Auth0 and includes a convenient useAuth hook (located in src/util/auth.js) that wraps Auth0 and gives you common authentication methods. Depending on your needs you may want to edit this file and expose more Auth0 functionality.

import { useAuth } from './../util/auth.js'

function MyComponent() {
  // Get the auth object in any component
  const auth = useAuth()

  // Depending on auth state show signin or signout button
  // auth.user will either be an object, null when loading, or false if signed out
  return (
      {auth.user ? (
        <button onClick={(e) => auth.signout()}>Signout</button>
      ) : (
        <button onClick={(e) => auth.signin('', 'yolo')}>


This project uses Cloud Firestore and includes some data fetching hooks to get you started (located in src/util/db.js). You'll want to edit that file and add any additional query hooks you need for your project.

import { useAuth } from './../util/auth.js';
import { useItemsByOwner } from './../util/db.js';
import ItemsList from './ItemsList.js';

function ItemsPage(){
  const auth = useAuth();

  // Fetch items by owner
  // Returned status value will be "idle" if we're waiting on
  // the uid value or "loading" if the query is executing.
  const uid = auth.user ? auth.user.uid : undefined;
  const { data: items, status } = useItemsByOwner(uid);

  // Once we have items data render ItemsList component
  return (
      {(status === "idle" || status === "loading") ? (
        <span>One moment please</span>
      ) : (
        <ItemsList data={items}>


Install the Netlify CLI

npm install netlify-cli -g

Link codebase to a Netlify project (choose the "create and deploy manually" option)

netlify init

Add each variable from your .env file to your Netlify project, including ones prefixed with "REACT_APP_". You can also use the Netlify UI for this by going to your Site settings → Build & Deploy → Environment.

netlify env:set VARIABLE_NAME value

Build for production

npm run build

Then run this command to deploy to Netlify

netlify deploy

See the Netlify docs for more details.


This project was created using Divjoy, the React codebase generator. You can find more info in the Divjoy Docs.


Create to learn for TakingITGlobal






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