Author Top Nguyen
Number of mini libraries to make faster develop .NET Core system.
- .Net Core Utilities methods.
- Save time to project setup and focus on Business Logic.
- Up to date: Elect always up to date the last .NET Core stable version. All Elect modules publish in Nuget Package so easy for you update the library.
- Almost library work well as cross platform, you can feel free to code on Windows or Mac.
All Elect modules publish in
You can add My Nuget Server to have fastest packages update
- No waste time for nuget index package
- Full mirror packages
- Add
<add key="Top Nguyen" value=""/>
to NuGet.Config- If you not have NuGet.Config, just create the file named "NuGet.Config" in your root project folder with below content
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <configuration> <packageSources> <add key="Top Nguyen" value=""/> </packageSources> </configuration>
- If you not have NuGet.Config, just create the file named "NuGet.Config" in your root project folder with below content
Elect have difference modules/libraries, each lib handle a 3rd library or focus utility for a field.
Elect.Core: Utilities and Core of Ecosystem.
- Elect.Face.Kairos: Client by .NET Core for Kairos Face Recognition Service.
- Elect.Face.Kairos: Client by .NET Core for Kairos Face Recognition Service.
Dependency Injection
- Elect.DI: Register service and implementation by Attributes, support scan assemblies in difference folders to register.
- Elect.DI: Register service and implementation by Attributes, support scan assemblies in difference folders to register.
Elect.Data.EF: Entity Framework by Unit of Work and Repository wrap pattern with Transaction support.
- Physical: Support handle file, folder, image (resize, compress, dominant color).
- Elect.Mapper.AutoMapper: Extend of AutoMapper, support auto register Mapper Profile by scan assemblies.
- Elect.Mapper.AutoMapper: Extend of AutoMapper, support auto register Mapper Profile by scan assemblies.
Elect.Web: ASP Net Core utitlies, Beautiful paged collection API support.
Elect.Web.Middlewares: Useful middlewares for ASP NET Core project such as: measure processing time, minimize HTML, CSS, JS on response.
Elect.Web.Swagger: Extend of Swashbuckle, easier to setup and support more friendly UI, security API Document URI.
Elect.Web.DataTable: Server generate jQuery DataTable support paging server, column filter, column visible and so on for both legacy and modern version.
Elect.Web.HttpDetection: Trade Device information (address/location via IP) via HttpRequest User-Agent.
Elect.Web.Ajaxify: Make your regular website (multiple page) to single page by ajax approach.
Elect.Web.HealthCheck: Health check for the service a live or not.
Elect.Web.Consul: Support auto Register and Deregister Service to the Consul Service with Fabio Load Balancing.
Background Job
- Elect.Job.Hangfire: Extend of Hangfire, easier to setup and secure Hangfire Dashboard.
- Elect.Job.Hangfire: Extend of Hangfire, easier to setup and secure Hangfire Dashboard.
Elect.Notification.OneSignal: Client for
Elect.Notification.Esms: Client for
Elect.Logger: Event logger for ASP NET Core project, storage into a Json Files - easy to query and statistic.
Elect.Logger.Dashboard (use
): VisualElect.Logger
in Dashboard with security check support. -
Elect.Jaeger: Support add trace to the Jaeger Service automatically.
Elect.AppMetrics: Support enable and config to the AppMetrics Service automatically.
- [On Plan] Elect.Localization.Json: Localization with resource in separate Json files.
- [On Plan] Elect.Localization.Dashboard: Support manage Elect.Localization.Json via a Dashboard with security check support.
Please access "samples" folder in this repo to explore example for each library.
Elect is licensed under the MIT License.
I have been using ReSharper, Rider for a good number of years and find it absolutely amazing that they assist open source to have free license.
So a big thank you to JetBrains!