It’s me, Tanvir Ahmad Arjel, a Full Stack Software Engineer, with more than 6 years of professional experience in Enterprise Application and Software Development having strong problem solving, data structures and algorithms knowledge. In short, I have expertise in the following fields:
1. Microservice and Distributed System. | 2. System Design and Database Design. |
3. Event Driven Architecture | 4. Event Sourcing |
5. Cloud Functions | 6. Azure DevOps, CI/CD pipeline integration |
7. Domain-Driven Design | 8. Clean Architecture |
LeetCode : 550+ problems solved.
HackerRank : 4 Stars
C# | C++ | JavaScript | TypeScript
.NET/.NET Core | ASP.NET Core | Blazor | Entity Framework Core | Angular
Microsoft Azure | Azure Functions | Azure CI/CD | Google Cloud | Google Cloud Functions | Google PubSub
Microsoft SQL Server | PostgreSQL | MongoDB | Redis | EventStoreDB
Docker | Git | TFS | Kafka | RabbitMQ | xUnit | Hangfire | Serilog | Exceptionless | Ocelot | AutoMapper | MediatR | Swagger/OpenAPI
MVC | REST API | Microservice | CQRS and Event Sourcing | Domain Driven Design | Event Driven Architecture | TDD
HTML5 | CSS3 | Bootstrap | JavaScript | jQuery | Angular