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Tanzu Rabbitmq Event Streaming Showcase

This project demonstrates using the RabbitMQ Kubernetes Operator. There are several Spring Boot applications written in Kotlin.

It demonstrates quorum queues and streams application source producers and sink consumers using Spring Cloud Streams. These examples have been verified to run using Spring Cloud DataFlow.

Application Notes
account-generator-source Spring Cloud Stream source generates account changes
account-geode-sink Spring Cloud Stream sink to save account into Apache Geode. It also supports stream replay.
account-http-source Spring Cloud Stream source that produces account information based on recieved HTTP REST

VMware GemFire Building

This repository uses GemFire. GemFire is free to use for local development.

In order to build Please following the instruction here to setup your credentials in your .m2/settings.xml file to access the dependencies in the GemFire maven repository.

Lab Outline

The followings are some step-by-step learning exercises.

Local installation

Execute the following from the main directory.

See script
