- click - https://streamable.com/msejyp
- If you have any further questions, you can add me to Discord. [Found in my github profile]
- Download the script and put it in the [resource] folder.
- Download nh-context and put it in the [resource] or [standalone] folder. (it doesn't really matter) Add the following code to your server.cfg/resouces.cfg
ensure nh-context
ensure nc-rental
AddBoxZone("NewRentalMenu4", vector3(-1230.054, -176.4136, 39.327087), 2, 3.2, {
}, {
options = {
event = "nc-rental:vehiclelist",
icon = "fas fa-circle",
label = "Rent vehicle",
event = "nc-rental:returnvehicle",
icon = "fas fa-circle",
label = "Return Vehicle (Receive Back 50% of original price)",
job = {"all"},
distance = 3.5
["rentalpapers"] = {["name"] = "rentalpapers", ["label"] = "Rental Papers", ["weight"] = 50, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "rentalpapers.png", ["unique"] = true, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "This car was taken out through car rental."},
- Go to qb-inventory -> html -> js -> app.js and between lines 500-600 add the following code
} else if (itemData.name == "rentalpapers") {
$(".item-info-title").html('<p>' + itemData.label + '</p>')
$(".item-info-description").html('<p><strong>Plate: </strong><span>'+ itemData.info.label + '</span></p>');