Matlab Inversion Collection, including iterative methods and global optimization methods.
- KA: Kaczmarz's Algorithm
- ART: Algebraic Reconstruction Technique
- SIRT: Simultaneous Iterative Reconstruction Technique
- CG: Conjugate Gradient method
- LM: Levenberg-Marquardt method
- GS: Grid-Search method
- MC: Monte-Carlo method
- SA: Simulated Annealing method, including Metropolis and HeatBath
- GA: Genetic Algorithm
There are two examples to demonstrate how to use these matlab
- example1.m for LM, GS, MC, SA & GA
- example2.m for KA, ART, SIRT & CG
- Aster R C, Borchers B, Thurber C H. Parameter estimation and inverse problems [M]. Academic Press, 2011.
- Sen M K, Stoffa P L. Global optimization methods in geophysical inversion [M]. Cambridge University Press, 2013.