Ray tracing program for 1-D horizontal layered medium.
Keyboard input in the matlab command line window:
>> vel = [2000, 3200, 1800, 2800, 4000];
>> dep = [0, 1000, 2000, 3050, 3650, 5000];
>> zs = 2250;
>> delta = 5000;
>> tdw = DW1DRT(zs, delta, vel, dep);
>> rlyr = 4;
>> trw = RW1DRT(zs, delta, rlyr, vel, dep);
where there is a 5-layer medium, vel
is the wave velocity of every layer, and dep
is the depth of every layer-interface.
In this example, zs
is the depth of source, delta
is the horizontal distance between source and station, and rlyr
is the layer number of reflected layer.
As a result, tdw
is the travel time of direct wave, and trw
is the travel time of reflected wave. Besides, the paths of direct wave and reflected wave are showed as follow:
田玥, 陈晓非. 2005. 水平层状介质中的快速两点间射线追踪方法. 地震学报: 27(2), 147-154.
Tche LIU, seistche@gmail.com, USTC