The Multi-Port, Multi-Channel Signal Viewer is a desktop application developed in Python and Qt. The application is designed to assist in monitoring vital signals in an ICU setting. It allows users to open and visualize different medical signals, such as ECG, EMG, EEG, etc., in real-time. The user-friendly interface provides controls for manipulating signals, enabling an effective and interactive monitoring experience.
Multi-Port, Multi-Channel Viewer: The application supports the simultaneous display of multiple signals in two independent graphs.
Graph Linking: Users can link both graphs, ensuring synchronized time frames, signal speed, and viewport for seamless comparison.
Cine Mode: Signals are displayed in cine mode, resembling real-time running signals as seen in ICU monitors.
Interactive Controls:
- Change signal color
- Add labels/titles to signals
- Show/hide signals
- Control/customize cine speed
- Zoom in/out
- Pause/play/rewind
- Scroll/Pan signals in any direction
- Move signals between graphs
Boundary Conditions: Intelligent handling of boundary conditions prevents unwanted manipulations outside signal limits.
Exporting & Reporting: Users can generate reports with one or more snapshots of the graphs, including data statistics on displayed signals in a PDF format. Data statistics include mean, std, duration, min, and max values, organized in a well-structured table.
To be able to use our app, you can simply follow these steps:
- Install Python3 on your device. You can download it from Here.
- Install the required packages by the following command.
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run the file with the name ""
If you encounter any issues or have questions, feel free to reach out.
Gratitude goes out to all team members for their valuable contributions to this project.
All rights reserved © 2023 to Team 19 - Systems & Biomedical Engineering, Cairo University (Class 2025)