3D Sandbox Simulation for the 2020 FIRST Robotics Competition game, FIRST Infinite Recharge.
The simulation HAL implementation can be used to control the virtual robots from Java
Increment the version number in Unity. Commit the changed version number in git with a commit message that also includes the version number.
cd $SimRepoRoot
rm -rf build
mkdir build
cd build
mkdir sim
Build the simulator in Unity for WebGL and x86-64 server targets.
The webgl target should be saved into the build/
directory with a name of
and the server target should be saved into the build/sim/
with a name of server
cp ../ReleasePackage/run.sh ../ReleasePackage/run_sim.py ../ReleasePackage/sim_server.py ./
mkdir html
cp ../ReleasePackage/index.html html/
mv webgl html/sim
tar cfz sim.tar.gz sim/ html/ run.sh run_sim.py sim_server.py
Make a new release on https://github.com/Team766/2020Sim/releases and attach sim.tar.gz