This is Simple Python Program Which Converts Your Text to Speech.
First install Pyttsx3 using command : pip install pyttsx3
The code Provided in (Do not Edit this File Craete a copy of this file make changes in that file ) reads up text that is assigned to variable x , as shown in image below
Edit the provided code such that it can directly fetch the information from a text file of your local system and read contents of file.
Rename your File to "Sample.txt"
Make Changes in code such that at time of execution user have a choice to hear speech in a Male or Female Voice.
1. Make 5 text files that contain 5 different stories.
2. edit the code in such a way that when it is executed
2.1 The user is asked by computer voice which story he/she wants to hear ( the voice should ask the user by telling names of stories).
2.2 after getting input from the user from the terminal , a story must be told.