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Admin Cheat Sheet

Enrico Sacchetti edited this page Dec 5, 2018 · 2 revisions

Keep it clean

All public channels, especially the default ones, need to adhere the code of conduct. Please reach out to offenders 1:1 to remind/warn them of the conduct. If their behaviour is severe, you may warn again or ban at your discretion.

Keep it relevant

If things get off-topic, try steering members into the appropriate, relevant channel where they may continue their conversation. If there is no corresponding channel, then the conversation can stay in #general as long as things don't get noisy, or conflict with the code of conduct.

A note on surveys

If someone wishes to create a survey, questionnaire, or poll, we ask that they do not collect personal contact information from TechMasters Members, and that results be shared with the community after the survey is closed. We prefer those interested in posting surveys to consult a TechMaster admin beforehand, and that the survey be posted only once in a relevant Slack channel.

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