No labels!
There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.
Icon should be given an alias to help with search results.
Icon is related to a brand.
Issues is has a change that will break something in the next release.
A bug in an icon glyph or a first-party library.
Icon may be too niche but needs input from other team members before closure.
Icon request has a contribution from either the team or someone else.
Request either already exists or is included in the icon set.
Issue deals with one of our first-party libraries (e.g. @mdi/react)
Issue is a high priority.
Icons related to home automation and more specifically, for use in Home Assistant.
Request for a specific icon.
Icon needs to be updated but is not a bug or high priority.
Icons which could cause issues in other languages or variants of English.
Request needs more information or example images.
Icon's author needs to be reassigned.
Icon request is rejected because it is too specific or niche.
Tags are categories or grouping of icons
Issues related to the webfont.
You can’t perform that action at this time.