While learning The Complete JavaScript Course 2022: From Zero to Expert, I thought it would only be fitting to build out my own version of the tasked activities to implement what I have learnt, and place it into a project that can be tracked and stored on Github.
This will be a four phrase project:
- phase 1: building the web interface with javascript features
- phase 2: mobile responsive
- phase 3: implementing a database connection (opted for localStorage as nodejs was not the priority for this stage of the project)
- phase 4: implementing a frontend framework
Project Progress
Phase 1: [ April 2022 - June 2022] ✔️
Phase 2: [ June 2022 ] ✔️
Phase 3: [ July - August 2022 ] ✔️
Phase 4: [ September - October 2022 ] ✔️
=> https://github.com/TeriJacobs/react-expense-tracker
The functionality consists of:
- login and logout.
- visibility of summarised income, expense and balance.
- add + track expenses.
- add + track income.
- ability to delete account(s).
To track my scrum board and pull requests, click here.
To view the site, you can follow this link.
How to login:
While implementing the functionality for multiple user logins, you may use the following credentials to login and navigate the site.
username: tj
password: 111