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Azure CosmosDB Account


No requirements.


Name Version
azurerm n/a


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module "cosmosdb" {
  source = "../module"

  location            = local.location
  resource_group_name =
  workload_name       = "primary-db"

  authorized_ips_or_cidr_blocks = [""]
  authorized_vnet_subnet_ids    = []
  azure_defender_enabled        = true

  backup = {
    type                = "Periodic"
    interval_in_minutes = 60 * 4 # 4 hours
    retention_in_hours  = 10

  consistency_policy = {
    level                   = "BoundedStaleness"
    max_interval_in_seconds = 300
    max_staleness_prefix    = 100001

  failover_locations = {
    eastus = {
      location       = "eastus"
      zone_redundant = true
    westus = {
      location = "westus"

  # Various RBAC roles assignment as per requirement
  account_contributor_object_ids = [data.azurerm_client_config.current.object_id]
  operator_object_ids            = [data.azurerm_client_config.current.object_id]

For a complete deployment example, please check sample folder.


Name Description Type Default Required
account_contributor_object_ids List of object IDs to be added with DocumentDB Account Contributor role on Cosmos DB. list(string) [] no
account_reader_object_ids List of object IDs to be added with Cosmos DB Account Contributor role on Cosmos DB. list(string) [] no
authorized_ips_or_cidr_blocks List of authorized IP addresses or CIDR Blocks to allow access from. list(string) [] no
authorized_vnet_subnet_ids IDs of the virtual network subnets authorized to connect to the Storage Account. list(string) [] no
azure_defender_enabled Is Azure Defender enabled for this Azure CosmosDB Account? bool false no
backup Backup details for CosmosDB. This block requires the following inputs:
- type' : The type of the backup. Possible values are Continuous and Periodic. <br> - 'interval_in_minutes' (Optional) : The interval in minutes between two backups.Possible values are between 60 and 1440. <br> 'retention_in_hours' (Optional) : The time in hours that each backup is retained. Possible values are between 8 and 720.
type = string
interval_in_minutes = optional(number)
retention_in_hours = optional(number)
null no
backup_operator_object_ids List of object IDs to be added with Cosmos DB Backup Operator role on Cosmos DB. list(string) [] no
capabilities Configures the capabilities to enable for this Cosmos DB account.
Possible values are 'AllowSelfServeUpgradeToMongo36', 'DisableRateLimitingResponses', 'EnableAggregationPipeline', 'EnableCassandra', 'EnableGremlin', 'EnableMongo', 'EnableTable', 'EnableServerless', 'MongoDBv3.4' and 'mongoEnableDocLevelTTL'
list(string) [] no
consistency_policy Specifies a consistency_policy resource, used to define the consistency policy for this CosmosDB account. This block requires the following inputs:
- level: The Consistency Level - can be either BoundedStaleness, Eventual, Session, Strong or ConsistentPrefix.
- max_interval_in_seconds (Optional): When used with the Bounded Staleness consistency level, this value represents the time amount of staleness (in seconds) tolerated.
- max_staleness_prefix' (Optional): The number of stale requests tolerated. Accepted range for this value is 10 – 2147483647 and value must be greater then 100000 when more then one geo_location is used
level = string
max_interval_in_seconds = optional(number)
max_staleness_prefix = optional(number)
"level": "BoundedStaleness",
"max_interval_in_seconds": 5,
"max_staleness_prefix": 100
customer_managed_keys Specifies customer managed keys configuration. This block requires the following inputs:
- cmk_enabled: If Customer Managed Key needs to be enabled?
- user_managed_identity_id: Managed Identity to access Key Vault.
- kvt_key_versionless_id Versionless id of Key Vault's key
cmk_enabled = bool
user_managed_identity_id = string
kvt_key_versionless_id = string
"cmk_enabled": false,
"kvt_key_versionless_id": "",
"user_managed_identity_id": ""
failover_locations Configures the geographic locations the data is replicated. This block requires the following inputs:
- location: The name of the Azure region to host replicated data.
- zone_redundant' (Optional) : Should zone redundancy be enabled for this region?
location = string
zone_redundant = optional(bool)
null no
kind Specifies the Kind of CosmosDB to create - possible values are 'GlobalDocumentDB' and 'MongoDB'. Defaults to GlobalDocumentDB. string "GlobalDocumentDB" no
location Specifies the supported Azure location where the resource exists. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. string n/a yes
mongo_server_version The Server Version of a MongoDB account. Possible values are 4.2, 4.0, 3.6, and 3.2. number 4.2 no
operator_object_ids List of object IDs to be added with Cosmos DB Operator role on Cosmos DB. list(string) [] no
private_endpoint Specifies the private endpoint details for this resource. This block requires the following inputs:
- subnet_id: The subnet ID to use for the private endpoint.
subnet_id = string
{} no
resource_group_name The name of the resource group in which to create the resource. string n/a yes
restore_operator_object_ids List of object IDs to be added with Cosmos DB Restore Operator role on Cosmos DB. list(string) [] no
tags Optional tags for the resources. map(string) {} no
workload_name Specifies the workload name that will use this resource. This will be used in the resource name. string n/a yes
zone_redundancy_enabled True to enabled zone redundancy on default primary location bool true no


Name Description
cosmosdb_endpoint The endpoint used to connect to the CosmosDB account.
id The Cosmos DB Account ID.
name The Cosmos DB Account name.


Name Type
azurerm_advanced_threat_protection.this resource
azurerm_cosmosdb_account.db resource
azurerm_private_endpoint.private_endpoint resource


Name Source Version
naming Azure/naming/azurerm n/a
role_assignment n/a


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