A filterable, responsive resume theme for WordPress
Here are the instructions to use the resume theme:
- Install WordPress somewhere
- Download and install the Advanced Custom Fields plugin. (I used the pro version but I assume the standard will work fine.)
- Download (here), uncompress, and add the resulting resume theme dir to to /wp-content/themes
- Complete WordPress setup (go to site URL and follow prompts)
- Log into WordPress
- Go to Plugins > Installed plugins
- Activate Advanced Custom Fields PRO
- Go to Appearance > Themes
- Activate Resume theme
Filling it in:
- Go to Settings > General and make the site title your name, the tagline your job title.
- Go to Skills first and fill in each of the filterable skills you plan on using.
- Go to each of Education, Experience, Projects, and Summary and fill in each, linking skills.
- Go to the widgets and add up to four images and a personal summary blurb.
- The skills attached to Experience are general job skills not otherwise listed in the job events
- The skills attached to Experience events will be used to filter specific job events using those skills
- The personal photos and blurb are presently required. They will be un-required soon.
LMK what issues you have so I can fix ‘em! 🙂