the-stack-v2 is the training data of starcoder v2. Whereas, the starcoder merely provides the metadata of its training dataset.
This repository implements concurrent downloading and packaging of the downloaded files into Parquet datasets, based on huangyangyu/starcoder_data.
You can use the following command line to download the dataset. Set your Hugging Face access token through the --hug_access_token parameter. Ensure the token has read permissions for the the-stack-v2 dataset. Fine-tune the max_workers parameter according to your environment.
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate # activate th env based on your system
pip install boto3 botocore smart_open datasets tqdm pandas pyarrow
python \
--hug_access_token {your_huggingface_access_token} \
--language Python \
--download_folder {output_parquet_dir} \
--max_workers 256
This script is still in testing; it can download the Python subset (~1TB, 47272886 files) in approximately 10 hours.