1.0.0 (2024-10-12)
Bug Fixes
- add back tests (8aff61c)
- add checkout to test job (fe7407d)
- add installation of the devcontainer cli in the publish job (966235a)
- add permission to gitub bot (f4908a3)
- add slash to the download step of the publish job (066bfeb)
- change feedback link on readme (861de9d)
- change name of the download artifact in the setup job (9be7fdb)
- change variants.json to dist/variant-matrix.json (6899abd)
- consider only the first two characters for the image_tag on tests (df61320)
- location of the image content for the build (62b47cd)
- move build script and add job dependency for build operation (61d5cc0)
- remove debug from publish (3fd013b)
- rename image test job on pipeline (93b2ebb)
- rename output var from setup step (849225f)
- rename template to image (0bce9d6)
- rename variant to version in strategy matrix (3cfc93c)
- repository name needs to be lowercase (945dae1)
- return build to original state (fd0164d)
- set matrix variable uppercase (1d265b7)
- tell artifact upload to consider subfolders (0942772)
- implement semantic release (1670b63)