Components that fill the gap of cool and beautiful components in the SolidJS ecosystem. Crafted with care using TailwindCSS, PandaCSS and Motion One.
- Compatible with both Tailwind and Panda - Use with the css framework of your choice!
- Copy+Paste Components - As simple as it sounds.
- CLI Support - Add Mystic components to your projects even faster.
- TypeScript - Get all the intellisense you want.
I think by now we all know how important a good UI is for websites and applications. It's the first thing users see and it's the first thing they interact with, so it's important to get it right.
Inspite of that, I would rather focus on buiding the heart of the software, I guess that's why component libraries such as shadcn/ui and Park UI are so popular, they allow developers to focus on the core of their software while resting assured in the fact that users will have a good first impression.
That's why I made Mystic UI, because currently there is no collection of cool and beautiful components for the SolidJS ecosystem, and I think it's important to have one.
This project is standing on the shoulders of giants such as:
- Magic UI - primary inspiration for the project and components
- Aceternity UI - components
- Eldora UI - components
- UI Layout - components
- SolidJS and Solid Start - obviously
If you want to see a component here, open an issue or create a PR. Sometimes it gets tough with just a single guy maintaining a huge project, so any help is appreciated.
Created by the scc code counter:
Language Files Lines Blanks Comments Code Complexity
TypeScript 254 10187 890 194 9103 204
JSON 89 773 28 0 745 0
Markdown 8 110 41 0 69 0
gitignore 8 970 385 218 367 0
CSS 5 9 0 0 9 0
TypeScript Typings 5 5 0 5 0 0
JavaScript 4 51 5 2 44 0
SVG 4 4 0 0 4 0
HTML 2 26 0 0 26 0
Total 379 12135 1349 419 10367 204
Estimated Cost to Develop (organic) $314,797
Estimated Schedule Effort (organic) 8.86 months
Estimated People Required (organic) 3.15
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