Course repo for CMDA 3634 Fall 2017
Examples for hello world, using pointers, and using variables.
Examples for creating a function in C, creating a new struct based variable type, and creating a struct to represent an array.
Example of reading an array from a file.
Introductory examples for interacting with MPI: initialization, finalization, finding process rank, finding number of processes (size), sending a message between processes, and receiving a sent message.
Using MPI_Send and MPI_Recv to create a "barrier" that all processes must pass through before any process can do something else.
Using MPI to perform a tree based barrier.
Using MPI to perform a tree based reduction.
Using MPI_Probe to examine the nature of incoming MPI messages.
Serial implementation of Monte Carlo algorithm to approximate pi.
MPI based implementation of Monte Carlo algorithm to approximate pi.
Example codes for using OpenMP directives for threading with parallel regions, private variables, and reductions.
Reference serial code for adding OpenMP directives to Monte Carlo computation of pi.
Reference code for making Mandelbrot images using OpenMP directives and API calls.
Hello world using CUDA.