Smart led strip that can be controlled by your phone and will create magical atmosphere at your house
- Simple color mode
- Continuous color change
- Microphone amplifier mode
- Displaying information
- Connection to bluetooth
Just plug in your power supply and connect through bluetooth using any bluetooth terminal software
You can change your led and display mode by following messages:
Changes the color of the led to {param1} (see the table of int to color below); the color decreases in brightness until it disappears completely in {param2} seconds
Iterating through colors with decreases in brightness until it disappears completely in {param1} seconds
Iterating through colors list changing it every {param1}
Randomly change color every {param1} seconds
Color set to {param1}. Color brightness depends on the volume around the device. Color brightness changes every {param2} seconds
Color set to these 3 parametrs using RGB format
Set color to param1 according to table below
Number | Color |
0 | RED |
1 | GREEN |
2 | BLUE |
3 | YELLOW |
5 | CYAN |
6 | WHITE |
7 | ORANGE |
8 | PURPLE |
9 | PINK |
10 | BROWN |
Enables display that show the RGB format of current color
Necessery hardware
Component name | Аmount |
NucleoF401RET6 | 1 |
LCD 5110 | 1 |
MAX4466 | 1 |
HC-05 | 1 |
Resistors 10kOm and 220Om | many |
Logical MOSFET like IRLZ44N | 3 |
12 Volt LED strip | 1 |
Power supply with 12volt and 5volt | 1 |
Jumpers | ∞ |
Additional/ debug hardware
Oscilloscope (buy me one pls)
Usb ttl converter
- You can use whatever ide you like for writing code, i prefer JetBrains product aka CLion because it has great code editor with amazing features and gorgeous design.
- For uploading and debugging STM32 i like STM32CubeIDE that provides amazing capabilities for Embedded developers.
- Also STM32CubeMX saves a lot of time at configuration
- Any Serial port monitor for configuration your hc-05
Communaction Interfaces:
- GPIO Data Handling:
- Polling
- Interrupts Other:
- C programming language
- Timers
- Software and hardware debugging
- Circuity
Add temperature and humidity sensors and display data from them on the display(❌)
Add GFSK modulation based module as alternative way of wireless communicatio(❌)
Create User Interface for mobile (❌)