본 프로젝트는 1.19.1 버전을 위해서 개발이 된것으로 타 버전도 동일한 절차에 따라서 진행하도록 합니다.
- NiFi 소스코드를 다운로드하여 swagger.json 파일의 위치를 확인합니다.
- Swagger Codegen으로 swagger.json 파일을 로딩하여 Java로 변환합니다.
- 변환된 코드에서 NiFi 상위버전 부터 SSL 필수이므로 SSL 인증서 처리 및 OAuth 인증 처리 부분을 수정합니다.
- OkHTTP를 사용하므로 SSL을 무시하도록 하고 Basic Auth, OAuth2를 추가하도록 합니다.
Swagger Codegen을 이용하여 Client API를 생성합니다.
# cd nifi-1.19.1
# mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true install
# wget https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/releases/io/swagger/swagger-codegen-cli/2.2.1/swagger-codegen-cli-2.2.1.jar
# java -jar swagger-codegen-cli-2.2.1.jar generate -i ../nifi-nar-bundles/nifi-framework-bundle/nifi-framework/nifi-web/nifi-web-api/target/swagger-ui/swagger.json -l java
- Apache Maven
Maven Install을 통해서 JAR 파일을 다음과 같이 생성합니다.
mvn install
API 호출을 위해서 Basic Auth로 Access Token을 얻습니다.
import io.swagger.client.*;
import io.swagger.client.auth.*;
import io.swagger.client.model.*;
import io.swagger.client.api.AccessApi;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;
public class AccessApiExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
AccessApi accessApi = new AccessApi();
ApiClient client = new ApiClient(true);
client.addDefaultHeader("Authorization", getBasicAuthenticationHeader("admin", "adminadminadmin"));
String accessToken = accessApi.createAccessToken("admin", "adminadminadmin");
Access Token을 이용하여 API를 호출합니다.
import io.swagger.client.*;
import io.swagger.client.auth.*;
import io.swagger.client.model.*;
import io.swagger.client.api.AccessApi;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;
public class ResourcesApiExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ResourcesApi api = new ResourcesApi();
ApiClient client = new ApiClient(true);
client.addDefaultHeader("Authorization", String.format("Bearer %s", accessToken));
ResourcesEntity response = api.getResources();
All URIs are relative to http://localhost/nifi-api
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AccessApi | createAccessToken | POST /access/token | Creates a token for accessing the REST API via username/password |
AccessApi | createAccessTokenFromTicket | POST /access/kerberos | Creates a token for accessing the REST API via Kerberos ticket exchange / SPNEGO negotiation |
AccessApi | getAccessStatus | GET /access | Gets the status the client's access |
AccessApi | getAccessTokenExpiration | GET /access/token/expiration | Get expiration for current Access Token |
AccessApi | getLoginConfig | GET /access/config | Retrieves the access configuration for this NiFi |
AccessApi | knoxCallback | GET /access/knox/callback | Redirect/callback URI for processing the result of the Apache Knox login sequence. |
AccessApi | knoxLogout | GET /access/knox/logout | Performs a logout in the Apache Knox. |
AccessApi | knoxRequest | GET /access/knox/request | Initiates a request to authenticate through Apache Knox. |
AccessApi | logOut | DELETE /access/logout | Performs a logout for other providers that have been issued a JWT. |
AccessApi | logOutComplete | GET /access/logout/complete | Completes the logout sequence by removing the cached Logout Request and Cookie if they existed and redirects to /nifi/login. |
AccessoidcApi | oidcCallback | GET /access/oidc/callback | Redirect/callback URI for processing the result of the OpenId Connect login sequence. |
AccessoidcApi | oidcExchange | POST /access/oidc/exchange | Retrieves a JWT following a successful login sequence using the configured OpenId Connect provider. |
AccessoidcApi | oidcLogout | GET /access/oidc/logout | Performs a logout in the OpenId Provider. |
AccessoidcApi | oidcLogoutCallback | GET /access/oidc/logoutCallback | Redirect/callback URI for processing the result of the OpenId Connect logout sequence. |
AccessoidcApi | oidcRequest | GET /access/oidc/request | Initiates a request to authenticate through the configured OpenId Connect provider. |
ConnectionsApi | deleteConnection | DELETE /connections/{id} | Deletes a connection |
ConnectionsApi | getConnection | GET /connections/{id} | Gets a connection |
ConnectionsApi | updateConnection | PUT /connections/{id} | Updates a connection |
ControllerApi | createBulletin | POST /controller/bulletin | Creates a new bulletin |
ControllerApi | createControllerService | POST /controller/controller-services | Creates a new controller service |
ControllerApi | createFlowRegistryClient | POST /controller/registry-clients | Creates a new flow registry client |
ControllerApi | createParameterProvider | POST /controller/parameter-providers | Creates a new parameter provider |
ControllerApi | createReportingTask | POST /controller/reporting-tasks | Creates a new reporting task |
ControllerApi | deleteFlowRegistryClient | DELETE /controller/registry-clients/{id} | Deletes a flow registry client |
ControllerApi | deleteHistory | DELETE /controller/history | Purges history |
ControllerApi | deleteNode | DELETE /controller/cluster/nodes/{id} | Removes a node from the cluster |
ControllerApi | getCluster | GET /controller/cluster | Gets the contents of the cluster |
ControllerApi | getControllerConfig | GET /controller/config | Retrieves the configuration for this NiFi Controller |
ControllerApi | getFlowRegistryClient | GET /controller/registry-clients/{id} | Gets a flow registry client |
ControllerApi | getFlowRegistryClients | GET /controller/registry-clients | Gets the listing of available flow registry clients |
ControllerApi | getNode | GET /controller/cluster/nodes/{id} | Gets a node in the cluster |
ControllerApi | getNodeStatusHistory | GET /controller/status/history | Gets status history for the node |
ControllerApi | getPropertyDescriptor | GET /controller/registry-clients/{id}/descriptors | Gets a flow registry client property descriptor |
ControllerApi | getRegistryClientTypes | GET /controller/registry-types | Retrieves the types of flow that this NiFi supports |
ControllerApi | updateControllerConfig | PUT /controller/config | Retrieves the configuration for this NiFi |
ControllerApi | updateFlowRegistryClient | PUT /controller/registry-clients/{id} | Updates a flow registry client |
ControllerApi | updateNode | PUT /controller/cluster/nodes/{id} | Updates a node in the cluster |
ControllerservicesApi | analyzeConfiguration | POST /controller-services/{id}/config/analysis | Performs analysis of the component's configuration, providing information about which attributes are referenced. |
ControllerservicesApi | clearState | POST /controller-services/{id}/state/clear-requests | Clears the state for a controller service |
ControllerservicesApi | deleteVerificationRequest | DELETE /controller-services/{id}/config/verification-requests/{requestId} | Deletes the Verification Request with the given ID |
ControllerservicesApi | getControllerService | GET /controller-services/{id} | Gets a controller service |
ControllerservicesApi | getControllerServiceReferences | GET /controller-services/{id}/references | Gets a controller service |
ControllerservicesApi | getPropertyDescriptor | GET /controller-services/{id}/descriptors | Gets a controller service property descriptor |
ControllerservicesApi | getState | GET /controller-services/{id}/state | Gets the state for a controller service |
ControllerservicesApi | getVerificationRequest | GET /controller-services/{id}/config/verification-requests/{requestId} | Returns the Verification Request with the given ID |
ControllerservicesApi | removeControllerService | DELETE /controller-services/{id} | Deletes a controller service |
ControllerservicesApi | submitConfigVerificationRequest | POST /controller-services/{id}/config/verification-requests | Performs verification of the Controller Service's configuration |
ControllerservicesApi | updateControllerService | PUT /controller-services/{id} | Updates a controller service |
ControllerservicesApi | updateControllerServiceReferences | PUT /controller-services/{id}/references | Updates a controller services references |
ControllerservicesApi | updateRunStatus | PUT /controller-services/{id}/run-status | Updates run status of a controller service |
CountersApi | getCounters | GET /counters | Gets the current counters for this NiFi |
CountersApi | updateCounter | PUT /counters/{id} | Updates the specified counter. This will reset the counter value to 0 |
DatatransferApi | commitInputPortTransaction | DELETE /data-transfer/input-ports/{portId}/transactions/{transactionId} | Commit or cancel the specified transaction |
DatatransferApi | commitOutputPortTransaction | DELETE /data-transfer/output-ports/{portId}/transactions/{transactionId} | Commit or cancel the specified transaction |
DatatransferApi | createPortTransaction | POST /data-transfer/{portType}/{portId}/transactions | Create a transaction to the specified output port or input port |
DatatransferApi | extendInputPortTransactionTTL | PUT /data-transfer/input-ports/{portId}/transactions/{transactionId} | Extend transaction TTL |
DatatransferApi | extendOutputPortTransactionTTL | PUT /data-transfer/output-ports/{portId}/transactions/{transactionId} | Extend transaction TTL |
DatatransferApi | receiveFlowFiles | POST /data-transfer/input-ports/{portId}/transactions/{transactionId}/flow-files | Transfer flow files to the input port |
DatatransferApi | transferFlowFiles | GET /data-transfer/output-ports/{portId}/transactions/{transactionId}/flow-files | Transfer flow files from the output port |
FlowApi | activateControllerServices | PUT /flow/process-groups/{id}/controller-services | Enable or disable Controller Services in the specified Process Group. |
FlowApi | generateClientId | GET /flow/client-id | Generates a client id. |
FlowApi | getAboutInfo | GET /flow/about | Retrieves details about this NiFi to put in the About dialog |
FlowApi | getAction | GET /flow/history/{id} | Gets an action |
FlowApi | getBanners | GET /flow/banners | Retrieves the banners for this NiFi |
FlowApi | getBuckets | GET /flow/registries/{id}/buckets | Gets the buckets from the specified registry for the current user |
FlowApi | getBulletinBoard | GET /flow/bulletin-board | Gets current bulletins |
FlowApi | getBulletins | GET /flow/controller/bulletins | Retrieves Controller level bulletins |
FlowApi | getClusterSummary | GET /flow/cluster/summary | The cluster summary for this NiFi |
FlowApi | getComponentHistory | GET /flow/history/components/{componentId} | Gets configuration history for a component |
FlowApi | getConnectionStatistics | GET /flow/connections/{id}/statistics | Gets statistics for a connection |
FlowApi | getConnectionStatus | GET /flow/connections/{id}/status | Gets status for a connection |
FlowApi | getConnectionStatusHistory | GET /flow/connections/{id}/status/history | Gets the status history for a connection |
FlowApi | getControllerServiceTypes | GET /flow/controller-service-types | Retrieves the types of controller services that this NiFi supports |
FlowApi | getControllerServicesFromController | GET /flow/controller/controller-services | Gets controller services for reporting tasks |
FlowApi | getControllerServicesFromGroup | GET /flow/process-groups/{id}/controller-services | Gets all controller services |
FlowApi | getControllerStatus | GET /flow/status | Gets the current status of this NiFi |
FlowApi | getCurrentUser | GET /flow/current-user | Retrieves the user identity of the user making the request |
FlowApi | getDetails | GET /flow/registries/{registry-id}/buckets/{bucket-id}/flows/{flow-id}/details | Gets the details of a flow from the specified registry and bucket for the specified flow for the current user |
FlowApi | getFlow | GET /flow/process-groups/{id} | Gets a process group |
FlowApi | getFlowConfig | GET /flow/config | Retrieves the configuration for this NiFi flow |
FlowApi | getFlowMetrics | GET /flow/metrics/{producer} | Gets all metrics for the flow from a particular node |
FlowApi | getFlows | GET /flow/registries/{registry-id}/buckets/{bucket-id}/flows | Gets the flows from the specified registry and bucket for the current user |
FlowApi | getInputPortStatus | GET /flow/input-ports/{id}/status | Gets status for an input port |
FlowApi | getOutputPortStatus | GET /flow/output-ports/{id}/status | Gets status for an output port |
FlowApi | getParameterContexts | GET /flow/parameter-contexts | Gets all Parameter Contexts |
FlowApi | getParameterProviderTypes | GET /flow/parameter-provider-types | Retrieves the types of parameter providers that this NiFi supports |
FlowApi | getParameterProviders | GET /flow/parameter-providers | Gets all parameter providers |
FlowApi | getPrioritizers | GET /flow/prioritizers | Retrieves the types of prioritizers that this NiFi supports |
FlowApi | getProcessGroupStatus | GET /flow/process-groups/{id}/status | Gets the status for a process group |
FlowApi | getProcessGroupStatusHistory | GET /flow/process-groups/{id}/status/history | Gets status history for a remote process group |
FlowApi | getProcessorStatus | GET /flow/processors/{id}/status | Gets status for a processor |
FlowApi | getProcessorStatusHistory | GET /flow/processors/{id}/status/history | Gets status history for a processor |
FlowApi | getProcessorTypes | GET /flow/processor-types | Retrieves the types of processors that this NiFi supports |
FlowApi | getRegistryClients | GET /flow/registries | Gets the listing of available flow registry clients |
FlowApi | getRemoteProcessGroupStatus | GET /flow/remote-process-groups/{id}/status | Gets status for a remote process group |
FlowApi | getRemoteProcessGroupStatusHistory | GET /flow/remote-process-groups/{id}/status/history | Gets the status history |
FlowApi | getReportingTaskTypes | GET /flow/reporting-task-types | Retrieves the types of reporting tasks that this NiFi supports |
FlowApi | getReportingTasks | GET /flow/reporting-tasks | Gets all reporting tasks |
FlowApi | getRuntimeManifest | GET /flow/runtime-manifest | Retrieves the runtime manifest for this NiFi instance. |
FlowApi | getTemplates | GET /flow/templates | Gets all templates |
FlowApi | getVersions | GET /flow/registries/{registry-id}/buckets/{bucket-id}/flows/{flow-id}/versions | Gets the flow versions from the specified registry and bucket for the specified flow for the current user |
FlowApi | queryHistory | GET /flow/history | Gets configuration history |
FlowApi | scheduleComponents | PUT /flow/process-groups/{id} | Schedule or unschedule components in the specified Process Group. |
FlowApi | searchCluster | GET /flow/cluster/search-results | Searches the cluster for a node with the specified address |
FlowApi | searchFlow | GET /flow/search-results | Performs a search against this NiFi using the specified search term |
FlowfilequeuesApi | createDropRequest | POST /flowfile-queues/{id}/drop-requests | Creates a request to drop the contents of the queue in this connection. |
FlowfilequeuesApi | createFlowFileListing | POST /flowfile-queues/{id}/listing-requests | Lists the contents of the queue in this connection. |
FlowfilequeuesApi | deleteListingRequest | DELETE /flowfile-queues/{id}/listing-requests/{listing-request-id} | Cancels and/or removes a request to list the contents of this connection. |
FlowfilequeuesApi | downloadFlowFileContent | GET /flowfile-queues/{id}/flowfiles/{flowfile-uuid}/content | Gets the content for a FlowFile in a Connection. |
FlowfilequeuesApi | getDropRequest | GET /flowfile-queues/{id}/drop-requests/{drop-request-id} | Gets the current status of a drop request for the specified connection. |
FlowfilequeuesApi | getFlowFile | GET /flowfile-queues/{id}/flowfiles/{flowfile-uuid} | Gets a FlowFile from a Connection. |
FlowfilequeuesApi | getListingRequest | GET /flowfile-queues/{id}/listing-requests/{listing-request-id} | Gets the current status of a listing request for the specified connection. |
FlowfilequeuesApi | removeDropRequest | DELETE /flowfile-queues/{id}/drop-requests/{drop-request-id} | Cancels and/or removes a request to drop the contents of this connection. |
FunnelApi | getFunnel | GET /funnels/{id} | Gets a funnel |
FunnelApi | removeFunnel | DELETE /funnels/{id} | Deletes a funnel |
FunnelApi | updateFunnel | PUT /funnels/{id} | Updates a funnel |
InputportsApi | getInputPort | GET /input-ports/{id} | Gets an input port |
InputportsApi | removeInputPort | DELETE /input-ports/{id} | Deletes an input port |
InputportsApi | updateInputPort | PUT /input-ports/{id} | Updates an input port |
InputportsApi | updateRunStatus | PUT /input-ports/{id}/run-status | Updates run status of an input-port |
LabelsApi | getLabel | GET /labels/{id} | Gets a label |
LabelsApi | removeLabel | DELETE /labels/{id} | Deletes a label |
LabelsApi | updateLabel | PUT /labels/{id} | Updates a label |
OutputportsApi | getOutputPort | GET /output-ports/{id} | Gets an output port |
OutputportsApi | removeOutputPort | DELETE /output-ports/{id} | Deletes an output port |
OutputportsApi | updateOutputPort | PUT /output-ports/{id} | Updates an output port |
OutputportsApi | updateRunStatus | PUT /output-ports/{id}/run-status | Updates run status of an output-port |
ParametercontextsApi | createParameterContext | POST /parameter-contexts | Create a Parameter Context |
ParametercontextsApi | deleteParameterContext | DELETE /parameter-contexts/{id} | Deletes the Parameter Context with the given ID |
ParametercontextsApi | deleteUpdateRequest | DELETE /parameter-contexts/{contextId}/update-requests/{requestId} | Deletes the Update Request with the given ID |
ParametercontextsApi | deleteValidationRequest | DELETE /parameter-contexts/{contextId}/validation-requests/{id} | Deletes the Validation Request with the given ID |
ParametercontextsApi | getParameterContext | GET /parameter-contexts/{id} | Returns the Parameter Context with the given ID |
ParametercontextsApi | getParameterContextUpdate | GET /parameter-contexts/{contextId}/update-requests/{requestId} | Returns the Update Request with the given ID |
ParametercontextsApi | getValidationRequest | GET /parameter-contexts/{contextId}/validation-requests/{id} | Returns the Validation Request with the given ID |
ParametercontextsApi | submitParameterContextUpdate | POST /parameter-contexts/{contextId}/update-requests | Initiate the Update Request of a Parameter Context |
ParametercontextsApi | submitValidationRequest | POST /parameter-contexts/{contextId}/validation-requests | Initiate a Validation Request to determine how the validity of components will change if a Parameter Context were to be updated |
ParametercontextsApi | updateParameterContext | PUT /parameter-contexts/{id} | Modifies a Parameter Context |
ParameterprovidersApi | analyzeConfiguration | POST /parameter-providers/{id}/config/analysis | Performs analysis of the component's configuration, providing information about which attributes are referenced. |
ParameterprovidersApi | clearState | POST /parameter-providers/{id}/state/clear-requests | Clears the state for a parameter provider |
ParameterprovidersApi | deleteApplyParametersRequest | DELETE /parameter-providers/{providerId}/apply-parameters-requests/{requestId} | Deletes the Apply Parameters Request with the given ID |
ParameterprovidersApi | deleteVerificationRequest | DELETE /parameter-providers/{id}/config/verification-requests/{requestId} | Deletes the Verification Request with the given ID |
ParameterprovidersApi | fetchParameters | POST /parameter-providers/{id}/parameters/fetch-requests | Fetches and temporarily caches the parameters for a provider |
ParameterprovidersApi | getParameterProvider | GET /parameter-providers/{id} | Gets a parameter provider |
ParameterprovidersApi | getParameterProviderApplyParametersRequest | GET /parameter-providers/{providerId}/apply-parameters-requests/{requestId} | Returns the Apply Parameters Request with the given ID |
ParameterprovidersApi | getParameterProviderReferences | GET /parameter-providers/{id}/references | Gets all references to a parameter provider |
ParameterprovidersApi | getPropertyDescriptor | GET /parameter-providers/{id}/descriptors | Gets a parameter provider property descriptor |
ParameterprovidersApi | getState | GET /parameter-providers/{id}/state | Gets the state for a parameter provider |
ParameterprovidersApi | getVerificationRequest | GET /parameter-providers/{id}/config/verification-requests/{requestId} | Returns the Verification Request with the given ID |
ParameterprovidersApi | removeParameterProvider | DELETE /parameter-providers/{id} | Deletes a parameter provider |
ParameterprovidersApi | submitApplyParameters | POST /parameter-providers/{providerId}/apply-parameters-requests | Initiate a request to apply the fetched parameters of a Parameter Provider |
ParameterprovidersApi | submitConfigVerificationRequest | POST /parameter-providers/{id}/config/verification-requests | Performs verification of the Parameter Provider's configuration |
ParameterprovidersApi | updateParameterProvider | PUT /parameter-providers/{id} | Updates a parameter provider |
PoliciesApi | createAccessPolicy | POST /policies | Creates an access policy |
PoliciesApi | getAccessPolicy | GET /policies/{id} | Gets an access policy |
PoliciesApi | getAccessPolicyForResource | GET /policies/{action}/{resource} | Gets an access policy for the specified action and resource |
PoliciesApi | removeAccessPolicy | DELETE /policies/{id} | Deletes an access policy |
PoliciesApi | updateAccessPolicy | PUT /policies/{id} | Updates a access policy |
ProcessgroupsApi | copySnippet | POST /process-groups/{id}/snippet-instance | Copies a snippet and discards it. |
ProcessgroupsApi | createConnection | POST /process-groups/{id}/connections | Creates a connection |
ProcessgroupsApi | createControllerService | POST /process-groups/{id}/controller-services | Creates a new controller service |
ProcessgroupsApi | createEmptyAllConnectionsRequest | POST /process-groups/{id}/empty-all-connections-requests | Creates a request to drop all flowfiles of all connection queues in this process group. |
ProcessgroupsApi | createFunnel | POST /process-groups/{id}/funnels | Creates a funnel |
ProcessgroupsApi | createInputPort | POST /process-groups/{id}/input-ports | Creates an input port |
ProcessgroupsApi | createLabel | POST /process-groups/{id}/labels | Creates a label |
ProcessgroupsApi | createOutputPort | POST /process-groups/{id}/output-ports | Creates an output port |
ProcessgroupsApi | createProcessGroup | POST /process-groups/{id}/process-groups | Creates a process group |
ProcessgroupsApi | createProcessor | POST /process-groups/{id}/processors | Creates a new processor |
ProcessgroupsApi | createRemoteProcessGroup | POST /process-groups/{id}/remote-process-groups | Creates a new process group |
ProcessgroupsApi | createTemplate | POST /process-groups/{id}/templates | Creates a template and discards the specified snippet. |
ProcessgroupsApi | deleteReplaceProcessGroupRequest | DELETE /process-groups/replace-requests/{id} | Deletes the Replace Request with the given ID |
ProcessgroupsApi | deleteVariableRegistryUpdateRequest | DELETE /process-groups/{groupId}/variable-registry/update-requests/{updateId} | Deletes an update request for a process group's variable registry. If the request is not yet complete, it will automatically be cancelled. |
ProcessgroupsApi | exportProcessGroup | GET /process-groups/{id}/download | Gets a process group for download |
ProcessgroupsApi | getConnections | GET /process-groups/{id}/connections | Gets all connections |
ProcessgroupsApi | getDropAllFlowfilesRequest | GET /process-groups/{id}/empty-all-connections-requests/{drop-request-id} | Gets the current status of a drop all flowfiles request. |
ProcessgroupsApi | getFunnels | GET /process-groups/{id}/funnels | Gets all funnels |
ProcessgroupsApi | getInputPorts | GET /process-groups/{id}/input-ports | Gets all input ports |
ProcessgroupsApi | getLabels | GET /process-groups/{id}/labels | Gets all labels |
ProcessgroupsApi | getLocalModifications | GET /process-groups/{id}/local-modifications | Gets a list of local modifications to the Process Group since it was last synchronized with the Flow Registry |
ProcessgroupsApi | getOutputPorts | GET /process-groups/{id}/output-ports | Gets all output ports |
ProcessgroupsApi | getProcessGroup | GET /process-groups/{id} | Gets a process group |
ProcessgroupsApi | getProcessGroups | GET /process-groups/{id}/process-groups | Gets all process groups |
ProcessgroupsApi | getProcessors | GET /process-groups/{id}/processors | Gets all processors |
ProcessgroupsApi | getRemoteProcessGroups | GET /process-groups/{id}/remote-process-groups | Gets all remote process groups |
ProcessgroupsApi | getReplaceProcessGroupRequest | GET /process-groups/replace-requests/{id} | Returns the Replace Request with the given ID |
ProcessgroupsApi | getVariableRegistry | GET /process-groups/{id}/variable-registry | Gets a process group's variable registry |
ProcessgroupsApi | getVariableRegistryUpdateRequest | GET /process-groups/{groupId}/variable-registry/update-requests/{updateId} | Gets a process group's variable registry |
ProcessgroupsApi | importProcessGroup | POST /process-groups/{id}/process-groups/import | Imports a specified process group |
ProcessgroupsApi | importTemplate | POST /process-groups/{id}/templates/import | Imports a template |
ProcessgroupsApi | initiateReplaceProcessGroup | POST /process-groups/{id}/replace-requests | Initiate the Replace Request of a Process Group with the given ID |
ProcessgroupsApi | instantiateTemplate | POST /process-groups/{id}/template-instance | Instantiates a template |
ProcessgroupsApi | removeDropRequest | DELETE /process-groups/{id}/empty-all-connections-requests/{drop-request-id} | Cancels and/or removes a request to drop all flowfiles. |
ProcessgroupsApi | removeProcessGroup | DELETE /process-groups/{id} | Deletes a process group |
ProcessgroupsApi | replaceProcessGroup | PUT /process-groups/{id}/flow-contents | Replace Process Group contents with the given ID with the specified Process Group contents |
ProcessgroupsApi | submitUpdateVariableRegistryRequest | POST /process-groups/{id}/variable-registry/update-requests | Submits a request to update a process group's variable registry |
ProcessgroupsApi | updateProcessGroup | PUT /process-groups/{id} | Updates a process group |
ProcessgroupsApi | updateVariableRegistry | PUT /process-groups/{id}/variable-registry | Updates the contents of a Process Group's variable Registry |
ProcessgroupsApi | uploadProcessGroup | POST /process-groups/{id}/process-groups/upload | Uploads a versioned flow definition and creates a process group |
ProcessgroupsApi | uploadTemplate | POST /process-groups/{id}/templates/upload | Uploads a template |
ProcessorsApi | analyzeConfiguration | POST /processors/{id}/config/analysis | Performs analysis of the component's configuration, providing information about which attributes are referenced. |
ProcessorsApi | clearState | POST /processors/{id}/state/clear-requests | Clears the state for a processor |
ProcessorsApi | deleteProcessor | DELETE /processors/{id} | Deletes a processor |
ProcessorsApi | deleteVerificationRequest | DELETE /processors/{id}/config/verification-requests/{requestId} | Deletes the Verification Request with the given ID |
ProcessorsApi | getProcessor | GET /processors/{id} | Gets a processor |
ProcessorsApi | getProcessorDiagnostics | GET /processors/{id}/diagnostics | Gets diagnostics information about a processor |
ProcessorsApi | getProcessorRunStatusDetails | POST /processors/run-status-details/queries | Submits a query to retrieve the run status details of all processors that are in the given list of Processor IDs |
ProcessorsApi | getPropertyDescriptor | GET /processors/{id}/descriptors | Gets the descriptor for a processor property |
ProcessorsApi | getState | GET /processors/{id}/state | Gets the state for a processor |
ProcessorsApi | getVerificationRequest | GET /processors/{id}/config/verification-requests/{requestId} | Returns the Verification Request with the given ID |
ProcessorsApi | submitProcessorVerificationRequest | POST /processors/{id}/config/verification-requests | Performs verification of the Processor's configuration |
ProcessorsApi | terminateProcessor | DELETE /processors/{id}/threads | Terminates a processor, essentially "deleting" its threads and any active tasks |
ProcessorsApi | updateProcessor | PUT /processors/{id} | Updates a processor |
ProcessorsApi | updateRunStatus | PUT /processors/{id}/run-status | Updates run status of a processor |
ProvenanceApi | deleteLineage | DELETE /provenance/lineage/{id} | Deletes a lineage query |
ProvenanceApi | deleteProvenance | DELETE /provenance/{id} | Deletes a provenance query |
ProvenanceApi | getLineage | GET /provenance/lineage/{id} | Gets a lineage query |
ProvenanceApi | getProvenance | GET /provenance/{id} | Gets a provenance query |
ProvenanceApi | getSearchOptions | GET /provenance/search-options | Gets the searchable attributes for provenance events |
ProvenanceApi | submitLineageRequest | POST /provenance/lineage | Submits a lineage query |
ProvenanceApi | submitProvenanceRequest | POST /provenance | Submits a provenance query |
ProvenanceeventsApi | getInputContent | GET /provenance-events/{id}/content/input | Gets the input content for a provenance event |
ProvenanceeventsApi | getOutputContent | GET /provenance-events/{id}/content/output | Gets the output content for a provenance event |
ProvenanceeventsApi | getProvenanceEvent | GET /provenance-events/{id} | Gets a provenance event |
ProvenanceeventsApi | submitReplay | POST /provenance-events/replays | Replays content from a provenance event |
ProvenanceeventsApi | submitReplayLatestEvent | POST /provenance-events/latest/replays | Replays content from a provenance event |
RemoteprocessgroupsApi | getRemoteProcessGroup | GET /remote-process-groups/{id} | Gets a remote process group |
RemoteprocessgroupsApi | getState | GET /remote-process-groups/{id}/state | Gets the state for a RemoteProcessGroup |
RemoteprocessgroupsApi | removeRemoteProcessGroup | DELETE /remote-process-groups/{id} | Deletes a remote process group |
RemoteprocessgroupsApi | updateRemoteProcessGroup | PUT /remote-process-groups/{id} | Updates a remote process group |
RemoteprocessgroupsApi | updateRemoteProcessGroupInputPort | PUT /remote-process-groups/{id}/input-ports/{port-id} | Updates a remote port |
RemoteprocessgroupsApi | updateRemoteProcessGroupInputPortRunStatus | PUT /remote-process-groups/{id}/input-ports/{port-id}/run-status | Updates run status of a remote port |
RemoteprocessgroupsApi | updateRemoteProcessGroupOutputPort | PUT /remote-process-groups/{id}/output-ports/{port-id} | Updates a remote port |
RemoteprocessgroupsApi | updateRemoteProcessGroupOutputPortRunStatus | PUT /remote-process-groups/{id}/output-ports/{port-id}/run-status | Updates run status of a remote port |
RemoteprocessgroupsApi | updateRemoteProcessGroupRunStatus | PUT /remote-process-groups/{id}/run-status | Updates run status of a remote process group |
RemoteprocessgroupsApi | updateRemoteProcessGroupRunStatuses | PUT /remote-process-groups/process-group/{id}/run-status | Updates run status of all remote process groups in a process group (recursively) |
ReportingtasksApi | analyzeConfiguration | POST /reporting-tasks/{id}/config/analysis | Performs analysis of the component's configuration, providing information about which attributes are referenced. |
ReportingtasksApi | clearState | POST /reporting-tasks/{id}/state/clear-requests | Clears the state for a reporting task |
ReportingtasksApi | deleteVerificationRequest | DELETE /reporting-tasks/{id}/config/verification-requests/{requestId} | Deletes the Verification Request with the given ID |
ReportingtasksApi | getPropertyDescriptor | GET /reporting-tasks/{id}/descriptors | Gets a reporting task property descriptor |
ReportingtasksApi | getReportingTask | GET /reporting-tasks/{id} | Gets a reporting task |
ReportingtasksApi | getState | GET /reporting-tasks/{id}/state | Gets the state for a reporting task |
ReportingtasksApi | getVerificationRequest | GET /reporting-tasks/{id}/config/verification-requests/{requestId} | Returns the Verification Request with the given ID |
ReportingtasksApi | removeReportingTask | DELETE /reporting-tasks/{id} | Deletes a reporting task |
ReportingtasksApi | submitConfigVerificationRequest | POST /reporting-tasks/{id}/config/verification-requests | Performs verification of the Reporting Task's configuration |
ReportingtasksApi | updateReportingTask | PUT /reporting-tasks/{id} | Updates a reporting task |
ReportingtasksApi | updateRunStatus | PUT /reporting-tasks/{id}/run-status | Updates run status of a reporting task |
ResourcesApi | getResources | GET /resources | Gets the available resources that support access/authorization policies |
SitetositeApi | getPeers | GET /site-to-site/peers | Returns the available Peers and its status of this NiFi |
SitetositeApi | getSiteToSiteDetails | GET /site-to-site | Returns the details about this NiFi necessary to communicate via site to site |
SnippetsApi | createSnippet | POST /snippets | Creates a snippet. The snippet will be automatically discarded if not used in a subsequent request after 1 minute. |
SnippetsApi | deleteSnippet | DELETE /snippets/{id} | Deletes the components in a snippet and discards the snippet |
SnippetsApi | updateSnippet | PUT /snippets/{id} | Move's the components in this Snippet into a new Process Group and discards the snippet |
SystemdiagnosticsApi | getSystemDiagnostics | GET /system-diagnostics | Gets the diagnostics for the system NiFi is running on |
TemplatesApi | exportTemplate | GET /templates/{id}/download | Exports a template |
TemplatesApi | removeTemplate | DELETE /templates/{id} | Deletes a template |
TenantsApi | createUser | POST /tenants/users | Creates a user |
TenantsApi | createUserGroup | POST /tenants/user-groups | Creates a user group |
TenantsApi | getUser | GET /tenants/users/{id} | Gets a user |
TenantsApi | getUserGroup | GET /tenants/user-groups/{id} | Gets a user group |
TenantsApi | getUserGroups | GET /tenants/user-groups | Gets all user groups |
TenantsApi | getUsers | GET /tenants/users | Gets all users |
TenantsApi | removeUser | DELETE /tenants/users/{id} | Deletes a user |
TenantsApi | removeUserGroup | DELETE /tenants/user-groups/{id} | Deletes a user group |
TenantsApi | searchTenants | GET /tenants/search-results | Searches for a tenant with the specified identity |
TenantsApi | updateUser | PUT /tenants/users/{id} | Updates a user |
TenantsApi | updateUserGroup | PUT /tenants/user-groups/{id} | Updates a user group |
VersionsApi | createVersionControlRequest | POST /versions/active-requests | Create a version control request |
VersionsApi | deleteRevertRequest | DELETE /versions/revert-requests/{id} | Deletes the Revert Request with the given ID |
VersionsApi | deleteUpdateRequest | DELETE /versions/update-requests/{id} | Deletes the Update Request with the given ID |
VersionsApi | deleteVersionControlRequest | DELETE /versions/active-requests/{id} | Deletes the version control request with the given ID |
VersionsApi | exportFlowVersion | GET /versions/process-groups/{id}/download | Gets the latest version of a Process Group for download |
VersionsApi | getRevertRequest | GET /versions/revert-requests/{id} | Returns the Revert Request with the given ID |
VersionsApi | getUpdateRequest | GET /versions/update-requests/{id} | Returns the Update Request with the given ID |
VersionsApi | getVersionInformation | GET /versions/process-groups/{id} | Gets the Version Control information for a process group |
VersionsApi | initiateRevertFlowVersion | POST /versions/revert-requests/process-groups/{id} | Initiate the Revert Request of a Process Group with the given ID |
VersionsApi | initiateVersionControlUpdate | POST /versions/update-requests/process-groups/{id} | Initiate the Update Request of a Process Group with the given ID |
VersionsApi | saveToFlowRegistry | POST /versions/process-groups/{id} | Save the Process Group with the given ID |
VersionsApi | stopVersionControl | DELETE /versions/process-groups/{id} | Stops version controlling the Process Group with the given ID |
VersionsApi | updateFlowVersion | PUT /versions/process-groups/{id} | Update the version of a Process Group with the given ID |
VersionsApi | updateVersionControlRequest | PUT /versions/active-requests/{id} | Updates the request with the given ID |
- AboutDTO
- AboutEntity
- AccessConfigurationDTO
- AccessConfigurationEntity
- AccessPolicyDTO
- AccessPolicyEntity
- AccessPolicySummaryDTO
- AccessPolicySummaryEntity
- AccessStatusDTO
- AccessStatusEntity
- AccessTokenExpirationDTO
- AccessTokenExpirationEntity
- ActionDTO
- ActionDetailsDTO
- ActionEntity
- ActivateControllerServicesEntity
- AffectedComponentDTO
- AffectedComponentEntity
- AllowableValueDTO
- AllowableValueEntity
- AttributeDTO
- BannerDTO
- BannerEntity
- BatchSettingsDTO
- BatchSize
- BuildInfo
- BulletinBoardDTO
- BulletinBoardEntity
- BulletinDTO
- BulletinEntity
- Bundle
- BundleDTO
- ClassLoaderDiagnosticsDTO
- ClusteSummaryEntity
- ClusterDTO
- ClusterEntity
- ClusterSearchResultsEntity
- ClusterSummaryDTO
- ComponentDetailsDTO
- ComponentDifferenceDTO
- ComponentHistoryDTO
- ComponentHistoryEntity
- ComponentLifecycle
- ComponentManifest
- ComponentReferenceDTO
- ComponentReferenceEntity
- ComponentRestrictionPermissionDTO
- ComponentSearchResultDTO
- ComponentStateDTO
- ComponentStateEntity
- ComponentValidationResultDTO
- ComponentValidationResultEntity
- ComponentValidationResultsEntity
- ConfigVerificationResultDTO
- ConfigurationAnalysisDTO
- ConfigurationAnalysisEntity
- ConnectableComponent
- ConnectableDTO
- ConnectionDTO
- ConnectionDiagnosticsDTO
- ConnectionDiagnosticsSnapshotDTO
- ConnectionEntity
- ConnectionStatisticsDTO
- ConnectionStatisticsEntity
- ConnectionStatisticsSnapshotDTO
- ConnectionStatusDTO
- ConnectionStatusEntity
- ConnectionStatusPredictionsSnapshotDTO
- ConnectionStatusSnapshotDTO
- ConnectionStatusSnapshotEntity
- ConnectionsEntity
- ControllerBulletinsEntity
- ControllerConfigurationDTO
- ControllerConfigurationEntity
- ControllerDTO
- ControllerEntity
- ControllerServiceAPI
- ControllerServiceApiDTO
- ControllerServiceDTO
- ControllerServiceDefinition
- ControllerServiceDiagnosticsDTO
- ControllerServiceEntity
- ControllerServiceReferencingComponentDTO
- ControllerServiceReferencingComponentEntity
- ControllerServiceReferencingComponentsEntity
- ControllerServiceRunStatusEntity
- ControllerServiceStatusDTO
- ControllerServiceTypesEntity
- ControllerServicesEntity
- ControllerStatusDTO
- ControllerStatusEntity
- CopySnippetRequestEntity
- CounterDTO
- CounterEntity
- CountersDTO
- CountersEntity
- CountersSnapshotDTO
- CreateActiveRequestEntity
- CreateTemplateRequestEntity
- CurrentUserEntity
- DefinedType
- DifferenceDTO
- DimensionsDTO
- DocumentedTypeDTO
- DropRequestDTO
- DropRequestEntity
- DtoFactory
- Entity
- ExplicitRestrictionDTO
- ExternalControllerServiceReference
- FlowBreadcrumbDTO
- FlowBreadcrumbEntity
- FlowComparisonEntity
- FlowConfigurationDTO
- FlowConfigurationEntity
- FlowDTO
- FlowEntity
- FlowFileDTO
- FlowFileEntity
- FlowFileSummaryDTO
- FlowRegistryBucket
- FlowRegistryBucketDTO
- FlowRegistryBucketEntity
- FlowRegistryBucketsEntity
- FlowRegistryClientDTO
- FlowRegistryClientEntity
- FlowRegistryClientTypesEntity
- FlowRegistryClientsEntity
- FlowRegistryPermissions
- FlowSnippetDTO
- FunnelDTO
- FunnelEntity
- FunnelsEntity
- GCDiagnosticsSnapshotDTO
- GarbageCollectionDTO
- GarbageCollectionDiagnosticsDTO
- HistoryDTO
- HistoryEntity
- InputPortsEntity
- InputStream
- InstantiateTemplateRequestEntity
- JVMControllerDiagnosticsSnapshotDTO
- JVMDiagnosticsDTO
- JVMDiagnosticsSnapshotDTO
- JVMFlowDiagnosticsSnapshotDTO
- JVMSystemDiagnosticsSnapshotDTO
- LabelDTO
- LabelEntity
- LabelsEntity
- LineageDTO
- LineageEntity
- LineageRequestDTO
- LineageResultsDTO
- ListingRequestDTO
- ListingRequestEntity
- LocalQueuePartitionDTO
- NodeConnectionStatisticsSnapshotDTO
- NodeConnectionStatusSnapshotDTO
- NodeCountersSnapshotDTO
- NodeDTO
- NodeEntity
- NodeEventDTO
- NodeIdentifier
- NodeJVMDiagnosticsSnapshotDTO
- NodePortStatusSnapshotDTO
- NodeProcessGroupStatusSnapshotDTO
- NodeProcessorStatusSnapshotDTO
- NodeRemoteProcessGroupStatusSnapshotDTO
- NodeReplayLastEventSnapshotDTO
- NodeResponse
- NodeSearchResultDTO
- NodeStatusSnapshotsDTO
- NodeSystemDiagnosticsSnapshotDTO
- OutputPortsEntity
- ParameterContextDTO
- ParameterContextEntity
- ParameterContextReferenceDTO
- ParameterContextReferenceEntity
- ParameterContextUpdateEntity
- ParameterContextUpdateRequestDTO
- ParameterContextUpdateRequestEntity
- ParameterContextUpdateStepDTO
- ParameterContextValidationRequestDTO
- ParameterContextValidationRequestEntity
- ParameterContextValidationStepDTO
- ParameterContextsEntity
- ParameterDTO
- ParameterEntity
- ParameterGroupConfigurationEntity
- ParameterProviderApplyParametersRequestDTO
- ParameterProviderApplyParametersRequestEntity
- ParameterProviderApplyParametersUpdateStepDTO
- ParameterProviderConfigurationDTO
- ParameterProviderConfigurationEntity
- ParameterProviderDTO
- ParameterProviderEntity
- ParameterProviderParameterApplicationEntity
- ParameterProviderParameterFetchEntity
- ParameterProviderReference
- ParameterProviderReferencingComponentDTO
- ParameterProviderReferencingComponentEntity
- ParameterProviderReferencingComponentsEntity
- ParameterProviderTypesEntity
- ParameterProvidersEntity
- ParameterStatusDTO
- PeerDTO
- PeersEntity
- PermissionsDTO
- PortDTO
- PortEntity
- PortRunStatusEntity
- PortStatusDTO
- PortStatusEntity
- PortStatusSnapshotDTO
- PortStatusSnapshotEntity
- Position
- PositionDTO
- PreviousValueDTO
- PrioritizerTypesEntity
- ProcessGroupDTO
- ProcessGroupEntity
- ProcessGroupFlowDTO
- ProcessGroupFlowEntity
- ProcessGroupImportEntity
- ProcessGroupNameDTO
- ProcessGroupReplaceRequestDTO
- ProcessGroupReplaceRequestEntity
- ProcessGroupStatusDTO
- ProcessGroupStatusEntity
- ProcessGroupStatusSnapshotDTO
- ProcessGroupStatusSnapshotEntity
- ProcessGroupsEntity
- ProcessorConfigDTO
- ProcessorDTO
- ProcessorDefinition
- ProcessorDiagnosticsDTO
- ProcessorDiagnosticsEntity
- ProcessorEntity
- ProcessorRunStatusDetailsDTO
- ProcessorRunStatusDetailsEntity
- ProcessorRunStatusEntity
- ProcessorStatusDTO
- ProcessorStatusEntity
- ProcessorStatusSnapshotDTO
- ProcessorStatusSnapshotEntity
- ProcessorTypesEntity
- ProcessorsEntity
- ProcessorsRunStatusDetailsEntity
- PropertyAllowableValue
- PropertyDependency
- PropertyDependencyDTO
- PropertyDescriptor
- PropertyDescriptorDTO
- PropertyDescriptorEntity
- PropertyHistoryDTO
- PropertyResourceDefinition
- ProvenanceDTO
- ProvenanceEntity
- ProvenanceEventDTO
- ProvenanceEventEntity
- ProvenanceLinkDTO
- ProvenanceNodeDTO
- ProvenanceOptionsDTO
- ProvenanceOptionsEntity
- ProvenanceRequestDTO
- ProvenanceResultsDTO
- ProvenanceSearchValueDTO
- ProvenanceSearchableFieldDTO
- QueueSizeDTO
- RegisteredFlow
- RegisteredFlowSnapshot
- RegisteredFlowSnapshotMetadata
- RegisteredFlowVersionInfo
- Relationship
- RelationshipDTO
- RemotePortRunStatusEntity
- RemoteProcessGroupContentsDTO
- RemoteProcessGroupDTO
- RemoteProcessGroupEntity
- RemoteProcessGroupPortDTO
- RemoteProcessGroupPortEntity
- RemoteProcessGroupStatusDTO
- RemoteProcessGroupStatusEntity
- RemoteProcessGroupStatusSnapshotDTO
- RemoteProcessGroupStatusSnapshotEntity
- RemoteProcessGroupsEntity
- RemoteQueuePartitionDTO
- ReplayLastEventRequestEntity
- ReplayLastEventResponseEntity
- ReplayLastEventSnapshotDTO
- ReportingTaskDTO
- ReportingTaskDefinition
- ReportingTaskEntity
- ReportingTaskRunStatusEntity
- ReportingTaskStatusDTO
- ReportingTaskTypesEntity
- ReportingTasksEntity
- RepositoryUsageDTO
- RequiredPermissionDTO
- ResourceDTO
- ResourcesEntity
- Response
- Restriction
- RevisionDTO
- RunStatusDetailsRequestEntity
- RuntimeManifest
- RuntimeManifestEntity
- ScheduleComponentsEntity
- SchedulingDefaults
- SearchResultGroupDTO
- SearchResultsDTO
- SearchResultsEntity
- SnippetDTO
- SnippetEntity
- StackTraceElement
- StartVersionControlRequestEntity
- StateEntryDTO
- StateMapDTO
- Stateful
- StatusDescriptorDTO
- StatusHistoryDTO
- StatusHistoryEntity
- StatusSnapshotDTO
- StorageUsageDTO
- StreamingOutput
- SubmitReplayRequestEntity
- SystemDiagnosticsDTO
- SystemDiagnosticsEntity
- SystemDiagnosticsSnapshotDTO
- TemplateDTO
- TemplateEntity
- TemplatesEntity
- TenantDTO
- TenantEntity
- TenantsEntity
- ThreadDumpDTO
- Throwable
- TransactionResultEntity
- UpdateControllerServiceReferenceRequestEntity
- UserDTO
- UserEntity
- UserGroupDTO
- UserGroupEntity
- UserGroupsEntity
- UsersEntity
- VariableDTO
- VariableEntity
- VariableRegistryDTO
- VariableRegistryEntity
- VariableRegistryUpdateRequestDTO
- VariableRegistryUpdateRequestEntity
- VariableRegistryUpdateStepDTO
- VerifyConfigRequestDTO
- VerifyConfigRequestEntity
- VerifyConfigUpdateStepDTO
- VersionControlComponentMappingEntity
- VersionControlInformationDTO
- VersionControlInformationEntity
- VersionInfoDTO
- VersionedConnection
- VersionedControllerService
- VersionedFlowCoordinates
- VersionedFlowDTO
- VersionedFlowEntity
- VersionedFlowSnapshotEntity
- VersionedFlowSnapshotMetadataEntity
- VersionedFlowSnapshotMetadataSetEntity
- VersionedFlowUpdateRequestDTO
- VersionedFlowUpdateRequestEntity
- VersionedFlowsEntity
- VersionedFunnel
- VersionedLabel
- VersionedParameter
- VersionedParameterContext
- VersionedPort
- VersionedProcessGroup
- VersionedProcessor
- VersionedPropertyDescriptor
- VersionedRemoteGroupPort
- VersionedRemoteProcessGroup
- VersionedResourceDefinition